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This captivating graphic novel follows a crew's mission to rebuild stunning structures scattered across space. Mia, the newest member of the team, reveals her true motive for joining—to track down her mysterious and long-lost love. Through stunning artwork and an inventive plot, Tillie Walden's "On a Sunbeam" weaves a breathtaking love story sure to leave you spellbound.
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Дэн Симмонс — не просто один из классических писателей-фантастов нашего времени. Он — автор самой, наверное, знаменитой и популярной в мире «космической оперы» — тетралогии «Гиперион», «Падение Гипериона», «Эндимион», «Восход Эндимиона», создатель поистине уникального в своей оригинальности мира, загадочного и изменчивого мира порталов, соединяющих планеты, великой реки Тетис и великих звездных войн, в которых причудливо переплелись судьбы священника и солдата, поэта и ученого, консула и детектива.
Критики и читатели единодушно признали тетралогию Дэна Симмонса лучшим научно-фантастическим сериалом последнего десятилетия. Не верите? Прочитайте и убедитесь сами!
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Алана и Марко принадлежат к разным расам. Бесконечная галактическая война должна была развести их по разные стороны баррикад, но они полюбили друг друга и теперь вынуждены скитаться, пытаясь отыскать в галактике мирный уголок для себя и своей новорожденной дочери. "Сага" - это увлекательный сюжет, приключения, любовь и огромная удивительная вселенная, в которой возможно буквально всё.
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"The Churn" is a gripping prequel to a bestselling series that takes readers back to the gritty streets of Baltimore, where crime is the only way to survive. Set in the tough world of the solar system, this novel is a must-read for fans of James S.A. Corey's acclaimed series.
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Andreas KlingerImmerse yourself in a world where the Galactic Empire seduces with promises of unity and change, capturing the hearts of the galaxy one planet at a time. Childhood friends Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree enroll in the Imperial Academy, hoping to join the fleet and pursue their passion for ships. But as their loyalty to the Empire and each other is tested, their friendship is pushed to the limit. Can they survive the trials ahead? Discover the thrilling story of Star Wars Lost Stars Volume 1.
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This fast-paced military science fiction book follows Lieutenant York Ballin's struggles as a lifer in the Imperial Navy, fighting in a war that has gone on for generations. When Ballin is forced to hijack a ship deep behind enemy lines, he discovers the empress's treacherous agenda and is faced with a choice of treasons. Gripping and action-packed, A Choice of Treasons is part of J.L. Doty's Treasons Cycle series, which also includes Of Treasons Born.
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A thrilling superhero tale, E.X.O. - The Legend of Wale Williams Part One is set in a futuristic 2025 Africa. When Wale inherits a super-powered suit after his father's disappearance, he embarks on a mission to investigate the mystery. But with dangerous attacks from the extremist group The CREED, Wale must use his newfound powers to restore hope to his home city of Lagoon City, Nigeria.
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Spaceship captain Skeen, marooned on a hostile, backwater world by her second-in-command, stumbles through a Gateway between worlds and finds herself on a planet torn by strife as eight different races compete for dominion...
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This epic, award-nominated science fiction series follows Baronessa Mira Fedor as she fights for survival and uncovers the truth behind a war and her betrayal. Pursued by her planet's invaders and her own people, Mira navigates political intrigue and allies with mercenaries to save her home planet. But as she uncovers dark secrets and conspiracies, she realizes that the Sole Entity may have a final move to make. Fans of space opera with plenty of action will love this engaging and thrilling series.
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Звездная система Пелла попадает в центр конфликта между консервативной земной империей и свободолюбивыми звездными колониями. Орбитальная база над планетой Пелл контролирует защитный периметр Земли, и власть над базой может дать ее хозяевам неограниченные преимущества. Но Пелл хочет сохранить нейтралитет... В романе читатель встретит множество запоминающихся героев — как землян, так и инопланетян, — чье будущее напрямую зависит от исхода борьбы за власть в этом сложном и запутанном поединке алчности и здравомыслия.
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Eternity by Greg Bear
Behind the Throne by K. B. Wagers
Alien Bounty by William C. Dietz
Шесть пробуждений by Mur Lafferty
The Praxis by Walter Jon Williams
The Expanse by James S. A. Corey
Earthlight by Arthur C. Clarke
Artemis by Andy Weir
Echoes of Earth by Sean Williams
Kim & Kim Volume 1 by Magdalene Visaggio
The Cold Between by Elizabeth Bonesteel
The Planet Killers by Robert Silverberg
The Omega Point Trilogy by George Zebrowski
After Doomsday by Poul Anderson
Отказ всех систем by Martha Wells
Пламя над бездной by Vernor Vinge
Алое восстание by Pierce Brown