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Эта книга научит вас всем тонкостям разработки приложений для мобильных устройств, работающих на популярной операционной системе Android. Основанное на учебном курсе известного образовательного IT-проекта Big Nerd Ranch, это издание содержит ключевые концепции программирования в Android, разъяснение API и множество примеров кода и упражнений. В процессе работы с книгой читатель самостоятельно разработает восемь Android-приложений разной сложности и тематики, включая клиент для загрузки фотографий из базы Flickr, приложение, имитирующее телевизионный пульт дистанционного управления, а также сервис геолокации, отслеживающий перемещения пользователя по всему свету и отображающий их на карте. Все учебные приложения были спроектированы таким образом, чтобы продемонстрировать важные концепции и приемы программирования под Android и дать опыт их практического применения.
Представлено в 12 статьях
Система Android покорила мир. Все хотят иметь планшет или смартфон, а устройства на базе Android - самые популярные в мире. В этой книге мы научим вас разрабатывать и запускать приложения.
Вам уже пришла в голову гениальная идея? Дело за малым - воплотить ее в жизнь.
Вы научитесь правильно формировать структуру приложений, проектировать гибкие и интерактивные интерфейсы, запускать службы в фоновом режиме, обеспечивать работу на разных устройствах и многое другое.
Все, что от вас требуется - базовые знания Java.
Представлено в 11 статьях
If you're ready to jump in and build a working Android app, this book has all of the practical recipes you need to get the job done. You'll work with the user interface, multitouch, location-aware apps, web services, device features—such as the camera, accelerometer, and GPS—and a lot more, including steps to package your app for sale in the Android Market. Packed with solutions contributed by the Android community, Android Cookbook is ideal for developers experienced with Android and other mobile platforms, as well Java programmers ready to use their skills in mobile app development. You'll find hundreds of tested recipes that you can put to use immediately. Simply put, if this book doesn’t show you how to do it, then you probably don't need it.Get guidelines and recipes for designing a successful Android app Work with UI controls, effective layouts, and graphical elements Create pinch screen gestures and views for horizontal and vertical orientation Build multimedia apps with audio, video, and more Focus on networked applications, as well as SMS- and cloud-based apps Build web services, such as selling books via Amazon, or buying and selling on eBay Create location-aware apps to find landmarks and resident services
Представлено в 9 статьях

Android Programming for Beginners
Build in-depth, full-featured Android 9 Pie apps starting from zero programming experience, 2nd Edition
Learn how to create powerful mobile applications with Android Programming for Beginners. This practical guide offers a first-principles introduction to Java, via Android, empowering you to build your own custom apps from scratch. With updated API classes and the official Android development environment, you’ll master coding Java for Android Pie and advanced topics such as fragments, SQLite databases, and multilingual development. By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to publish your own apps on the Google Play marketplace. Perfect for beginners or those looking to advance their Java and Android knowledge.
Представлено в 6 статьях
An essential guide for professional Android developers on using sensors, creating home screen widgets, playing back media, taking pictures with the camera, and implementing sophisticated services. This book is packed with helpful guidance and sample source code available for download from the author's website. Join the author's support Google Group to get answers to your questions and continue your education.
Представлено в 5 статьях
Learn everything you need to know about developing Android apps with this comprehensive guide. Covering the basics of programming for Android devices, this one-stop guide will have you managing data, incorporating cool phone features, and refining your applications in no time. Written by expert Java educator, Barry Burd, Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies is an invaluable resource with 800+ pages of easy-to-follow information and is available at an unbeatable price. Whether you're an aspiring or beginning programmer, this hands-on guide is a must-read for creating successful Android apps.
Представлено в 5 статьях
Looking to unleash the full potential of the Android OS and create innovative apps? Look no further than this expert guide from ace developer Erik Hellman. From custom views and multi-touch gestures to cutting-edge location and map integration, this book offers advanced tips and techniques to take your Android programming to the next level. Whether you're new to Android or a seasoned pro, this book is essential for anyone seeking to build truly exceptional apps that users will love.
Представлено в 4 статьях
Learn how to develop Android-based applications using the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the Android 8 Software Development Kit (SDK), and the Java programming language with this comprehensive guide. Suitable for those with some Java programming experience, explore everything from setting up an Android development and testing environment to advanced topics like touch screen handling, gesture recognition, camera access, and cloud-based file storage. Google Play specific topics like implementing maps using the Google Maps Android API are also covered, making this book a must-read for developers looking to submit apps to the Google Play Developer Console.
Представлено в 4 статьях
Create robust and compelling mobile apps with Professional Android, 4th Edition. This comprehensive developer guide covers the latest Android features and capabilities through a series of projects. Each project introduces a new Android platform feature, highlighting techniques and best practices to exploit its utmost functionality. From simple exercises to advanced Android development, learn smart, efficient, and effective Android development practices to design for all mobile platforms, including tablets. Utilize the Android framework and Google Play services to construct real-world mobile applications.
Представлено в 4 статьях

Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners
Build Android apps starting from zero programming experience with the new Kotlin programming language
Learn to build sleek and functional Kotlin apps for Android in this book. Explore Kotlin programming concepts and the essentials of Android app development through the creation of four real-world apps and dozens of mini-apps. Discover different layouts, multilingual text, animation, graphics, and sound effects that can enhance the presentation of your app. With this book, you'll gain sound knowledge of Kotlin programming concepts and be able to develop your fully-featured Android apps. Perfect for beginners who want to start their Android programming career or those who want to publish their apps on Google Play.
Представлено в 4 статьях
Программирование под Android by Zigurd Mednieks
Hello, Android by Ed Burnette
Android 9 Development Cookbook by Rick Boyer
Practical Android by Mark Wickham
Kotlin Programming by Josh Skeen
Android Design Patterns by Greg Nudelman
Head First Kotlin by Dawn Griffiths
Head First Android Development by Dawn Griffiths, David Griffiths
The Beginner's Guide to Android Game Development by James S. Cho
Android Programming for Beginners by John Horton
Learning Java by Building Android Games by John Horton
Android Development for Gifted Primates by Antonis Tsagaris
Kotlin for Android Developers by Antonio Leiva
Mastering Android Game Development by Raul Portales
Beginning Android Development With Kotlin by Greg Lim