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Discover the art of bottoming in this updated and revised guidebook that explores the BDSM universe. Learn how to be a successful and popular submissive, masochist, slave, 'boy' or 'girl' recipient. With the blossoming of the internet, this book offers even more insights and ideas for new possibilities.
Представлено в 7 статьях

Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns
The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism
A fun and lighthearted exploration into the world of sadomasochism. Discover the intense eroticism and trust that comes from this sexual magic. From curious beginners to adventurous explorers, this book offers solid advice and steamy suggestions to guide you through the captivating realms of sensuality.
Представлено в 6 статьях
Представлено в 6 статьях

Пятьдесят оттенков серого
Book One of the Fifty Shades Trilogy (Fifty Shades of Grey Series)
США, наши дни. Брать интервью у молодого президента корпорации, Кристиана Грея, должна была подруга Анастейши, Кейт. Но Кейт заболела, и судьба столкнула Анастейшу с этим привлекательным, но очень закрытым бизнесменом. Короткое и острое интервью, пара постановочных снимков - и кажется, они больше не встретятся никогда.
Но Грей снова возникает в жизни Анастейши - стремительно и интригующе. Что делать миллиардеру в хозяйственном магазинчике? Зачем он покупает странный набор веревок и креплений, так изучающе глядя на нее? И как далеко Анастейша готова зайти, чтобы узнать секрет Грея?
Психологический роман с яркими эротическими сценами, несомненно, привлечет внимание искушенных читателей. Противоборство чистой и невинной Анастейши и предпочитающего доминировать над партнершей Грея - настоящий поединок двух непримиримых миров… Чем он закончится, если в дело уже вмешалась любовь? И в какие дебри запретных наслаждений ведет Анастейшу путь веревки и плети?
"50 оттенков серого" - исповедь, откровение, шокирующий и притягивающий, скандальный и противоречивый роман, как бомба разорвавшийся в западном литературном пространстве, впервые представляется на суд российских читателей. "50 оттенков серого" - первая часть трилогии "50 оттенков", написанной английской писательницей Эрикой Леонард, под ставшим суперизвестным псевдонимом Э Л Джеймс.
Представлено в 5 статьях
Discover ways to take control and satisfy your desires with The Mistress Manual. This guide is a must-read for dominant women who want to turn their male partners into obedient and devoted helpmeets. With wickedly creative ideas and encouragement, it's time to explore your inner Queen, Amazon, or Goddess. How many things can you do with a hairbrush besides brushing your hair? Find out in The Mistress Manual.
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A man dying of illness asks his friend to take over as a Dom and Master to his wife in this emotional BDSM novel. The friend, previously seen as a screw-up, must learn to provide emotional comfort in the form of physical pain. Can he handle his grief and become The Reluctant Dom in time?
Представлено в 4 статьях
Discover the art of BDSM topping with this book, which has already taught tens of thousands of people how to indulge in this joyful experience. With the growing popularity of BDSM and the internet as a source of information, the possibilities for players have significantly increased.
Представлено в 4 статьях
"Explore the world of consensual pleasure with SM 101. This guidebook covers all aspects of bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadomasochism, including finding partners, negotiating scenes, and safe practices. With techniques for bondage, spanking, whipping, erotic torture, and role-playing, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring this exciting form of erotic play while maintaining physical and emotional safety."
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A cable sex talk show hostess meets a self-proclaimed dominant bodyguard who brings her deepest fantasies to the surface. As an obsessed stalker targets her, she starts to crave his masterful touch and becomes a willing player in his games, unaware of how personal his motives are. Experience the sensual journey of surrender and desire in this captivating novel.
Представлено в 4 статьях
Discover the art of erotic bondage with this incredible handbook. Designed to enrich your life and relationships, this compendium of sensible and sensational advice offers a profound guide to tying up your sweetie (or getting tied up yourself!). With 323 pages packed with knowledge, this essential read is perfect for anyone interested in the world of bondage. Engaging, informative, and entertaining, learn how to create an erotic masterpiece with just a few simple knots.
Представлено в 4 статьях
TheLoving Dominant by John Warren
Empire of Desire by Rina Kent
Прекрасные и обреченные by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Haven by Rebekah Weatherspoon
История О by Pauline Reage
Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert
What Happens at the Lake by Vi Keeland
The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy Box Set by A. N. Roquelaure
Masters of the Shadowlands by Cherise Sinclair
Two Knotty Boys Showing You The Ropes by Two Knotty Boys
Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage by Midori
Библия БДСМ by Tristan Taormino
Urban Aboriginals by Geoff Mains
Different Loving by William Brame
Master of the Mountain by Cherise Sinclair
Секс на заре цивилизации by Christopher Ryan
Marriage Games by Cd Reiss
The Siren by Tiffany Reisz
Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters
Two Knotty Boys Back on the Ropes by Two Knotty Boys
Dom's Guide to Bdsm Vol. 1 by Matthew Larocco
Shibari You Can Use by Lee Harrington
The Heart of Dominance by Anton Fulmen
Naked by Raine Miller
Yield by Lilia Moon
Complete Shibari by Douglas Kent
Playing Well with Others by Lee Harrington
The Dominance Playbook by Anton Fulmen
Slavecraft by Guy Baldwin
Complete Shibari by Douglas Kent
The Leatherman's Protocol Handbook by John D Weal
Secrets by Claire Thompson
Ties that Bind by Guy Baldwin
На пятьдесят оттенков темнее by E L James
Вожделение (Сто оттенков любви by Maya Banks
In Flight by R. K. Lilley
Wild Side Sex by Midori, Laura Antoniou, Steve Diet Goedde
The Toybag Guide to Playing With Taboo by Mollena Williams
Erotic Slavehood by Christina Abernathy
As Kinky as You Wanna Be by Shanna Germain
The Toybag Guide To Foot And Shoe Worship by Midori
Этика блядства by Janet W. Hardy
Flames of Passion by David Walker
Priceless by Miranda Silver
Surrendered Control by Anna Edwards
Push The Button by Feminista Jones
Erotic Surrender by Claudia Varrin
The Better Built Bondage Book The Better Built Bondage Book by Douglas Kent
Дневная красавица by Joseph Kessel
The Sexually Dominant Woman by Green
Право на Спящую Красавицу by Anne Rice
120 дней Содома by Marquis de Sade