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Discover the ultimate guide to mastering blackjack with a revised edition of the blackjack player's bible. Packed with complete information on the odds, betting strategies, and much more, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to up their game. Plus, it's updated to include the rules of play in Atlantic City and internationally.
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A legendary classic in the gambling world, this book explores the art of blackjack as a martial art. Ideal for serious and professional players seeking to win real money, the book reveals insider tips and tricks used by the pros to beat the game. From shuffle tracking to team play, and even camouflage techniques, readers will learn it all in the 21 powerful chapters. Featuring the red 7 count, the hi-lo count, the zen count, the true count, and more, this newly updated book is a must-read for any blackjack enthusiast.
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Discover a revolutionary point system for blackjack in this New York Times Bestseller. Edward O. Thorp, the father of card counting, shares winning strategies used by professional and amateur players alike for two generations. The book includes basic rules, countermeasures against casinos, and tips for spotting cheating. With perforated cards for easy reference, Beat the Dealer is the ultimate guide for players looking to turn the tables on the house and win big in Las Vegas or Monte Carlo.
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Professional Blackjack explains card counting and other ways to beat blackjack, and has strategies for various rule variations. Lots of tables....
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Master the game of Blackjack and learn how to gain a winning edge with Bryce Carlson's comprehensive strategy guide. Not only will you discover how to bet and play hands with accuracy, but you'll also learn how to navigate casino personnel and control your own mindset in high-stress situations. Enter the world of the professional gambler and experience the glamour, excitement, and drama for yourself.
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Learn how to win at blackjack with expert Ken Uston's "blackjack bible" - Million Dollar Blackjack. This comprehensive guide breaks down the rules, strategies, and counting methods for players of all levels, from beginners to professionals. Uston provides seven simple rules to improve your game and presents four levels of winning skills. He covers everything from selecting the right game to cheating dealers and players, all fortified by insider information. With this book, your winnings won't depend on chance anymore!
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Blackjack Blueprint, Revised and Expanded
How to Play Like a Pro ... Part-Time
Discover the secrets of winning big in the exciting world of blackjack with the comprehensive guide, Blackjack Blueprint. This revised and expanded edition covers everything from basic strategy to counting cards, as well as advanced techniques like shuffle tracking and playing in disguise. Author Rick Blaine shares his years of experience and expertise, revealing how you too can turn blackjack into a lucrative hobby or career. Learn how to maximize casino comps, win at tournaments, and even negotiate rebates on gambling losses. Plus, new information on protecting your personal privacy and mitigating the risk of identity theft makes this a must-read for any blackjack enthusiast.
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The Theory of Blackjack
The Compleat Card Counter's Guide to the Casino Game of 21 (6th Edition, Indexed)
Discover the authoritative guide for serious blackjack players with insights into card-counting systems. This classic work by Peter A. Griffin offers a thorough understanding of the methods and numbers behind today's strategies. Find the most complete basic strategy in this must-read book.
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Hitting the casino
The real story of the six students who beat Las Vegas for millions of dollars / Udar po kazino
21 Blackjack, un best seller mundial que es ya todo un fenómeno cultural, narra la trepidante historia de una confabulación urdida por los timadores más inverosímiles: un grupo de estudiantes superdotados. El juego y las apuestas invaden el campus de la universidad y estos niños prodigio con un futuro brillante reparten su tiempo entre los casinos de Las Vegas y la biblioteca universitaria a partes iguales. Un grupo de élite de genios de las matemáticas son reclutados para formar parte del Club, una pequeña sociedad secreta consagrada al recuento de cartas que logra vencer a los principales casinos del país en su propio terreno. Como una banda de eruditos del Blackjack, capitaneados por un misterioso cabecilla y respaldados por unos inversores anónimos, se infiltran en Las Vegas y consiguen embolsarse millones de dólares.
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Discover the ultimate guide to mastering casino 21: Blackjack Attack. With over 500 pages, 400 tables and charts, and contributions from some of the keenest minds in blackjack research, this book provides cutting-edge information for advanced players seeking a higher level of sophistication. Learn about the "Illustrious 18" important playing-strategy departures, the "Floating Advantage" true-count phenomenon, and risk-of-ruin formulas that have never been published before. With precise expectation tables, basic strategy charts, and effects of rules variations on basic strategy expectations, this book is the perfect tool for a full-blown attack on casinos.
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Playing Blackjack as a Business by Lawrence Revere
Knock-Out Blackjack by Olaf Vancura
Big Book of Blackjack by Arnold Snyder
Blackjack Bluebook II by Fred Renzey
Burning the Tables in Las Vegas by Ian Andersen
Play Blackjack Like the Pros by Kevin Blackwood
The Theory of Blackjack by Peter A. Griffin
Winning Casino Blackjack for the Non-Counter by Avery Cardoza
Repeat Until Rich by Josh Axelrad
Человек на все рынки by Edward O. Thorp
Математика покера by David Sklansky
The 21st-Century Card Counter by Colin Jones
Scarne's New Complete Guide to Gambling by John Scarne
Radical Blackjack by Arnold Snyder
Sklansky Talks Blackjack by David Sklansky
Modern Blackjack, Volume II by Norm Wattenberger
Modern Blackjack, Volume I by Norm Wattenberger
Basic Blackjack by Stanford Wong
Blackjack Secrets by Stanford Wong
Casino Gambling For Dummies by Kevin Blackwood, Swain Scheps
The Complete Book Of Blackjack by T. J. Reynolds
Blackjack by Jerry L. Patterson