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20 книг в списке
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In Europe's Shadow
Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Through Romania and Beyond
Embark on a riveting journey through one of Europe's forgotten frontier countries - the heart of modern-day conflict with Russia. This blend of memoir, travelogue, journalism, and history takes readers through Romania's past and present, from the grim labor camps of the Black Sea Canal to the majestic Gothic church spires of Transylvania and Maramureş. Learn about the larger questions of imperialism, the Cold War, the Holocaust, and more through the lens of one country. In Europe's Shadow is an eye-opening and pertinent read that captures one journalist's lifelong obsession with Romania and a country struggling to emerge from the shadows of its past - perfect for anyone looking to understand the crisis with Russia and the fate of Europe in the post-modern age.
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Along the Enchanted Way
A Story of Love and Life in Romania. William Blacker by Blacker William Blacker
Discover the enchanting world of a foreign land in this excellent book. Delve into the captivating tales and adventures along the Enchanted Way, written by the talented author William Blacker. Lose yourself in the rich culture, traditions, and people of this extraordinary place as you embark on a journey like no other. Prepare to be spellbound by this compelling read.
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Вашему вниманию предлагается издание Дэвида Юма "Исследование о человеческом разумении".
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Tvorchestvo Gerty Miuller - odno iz samykh znachitelnykh iavlenii v sovremennoi nemetckoi literature. V etom romane avtor povestvuet o sushchestvovanii cheloveka v usloviiakh diktatury, ob ispytanii ego strakhom i nasiliem.
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This classic horror novel explores the dark and twisted world of Count Dracula and his Victorian adversaries. As a series of disturbing incidents unfold in England, the battle between the sinister vampire and the determined human group heats up. Bram Stoker's work delves into complex themes of human identity, sanity, and Victorian sexuality, leaving readers breathless until the final page.
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Set in 1970s Romania during the Communist regime of Nicolae Ceausescu, Bottled Goods is a poignant and lyrical novel that explores the themes of childhood, marriage, family, and identity in the face of extreme obstacles. Longlisted for the 2019 Women's Prize, this book follows Alina and her husband Liviu, who yearn for freedom but fall under suspicion and surveillance after her brother-in-law defects. As they face manipulation, accusations, and menacing agents, their marriage deteriorates and escape seems impossible. However, Alina's mystical aunt proposes a surprising solution, leading to a gritty and moving depiction of one woman's struggle for personal and political freedom. This book weaves elements of magic realism, Romanian folklore, and Kafkaesque paranoia into a captivating narrative that explores themes of empowerment, liberty, family, and loyalty.
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Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the best-selling spiritual biographies of all time. The book is not merely read it is treasured and cherished by millions of spiritual seekers throughout the world.
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Many Lives, Many Masters
The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives
Experience the power of past-life therapy in this gripping true story. Follow a prominent psychiatrist and his young patient as they uncover the key to her recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks: past-life traumas. As he delves deeper into her experiences, he slowly becomes a believer himself – especially when the patient channels messages from the space between lives, revealing remarkable revelations about his own family and deceased son. Discover how past-life therapy changed both their lives forever.
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Трактат «Метафизика» создал древнегреческий ученый-энциклопедист, основатель классической логики, Аристотель (384-322 г.г. до н. э.)*** В этот известнейший сборник сочинений автора входит 14 книг, собранных из различных работ Аристотеля. В своих произведениях, которые охватывают все сферы знаний того времени, автор пытается обобщить достижения античной мысли. В сборник вошли научные изыскания Аристотеля, которые остались вне его «Физики». Аристотель известен нашим современникам как автор многих научных трудов, среди которых отмечены следующие: собрание произведений по логике «Органон», «Метафизика». «Физика», «Политика», «Этика», «Поэтика», «О душе», «Афинская пол
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Patrick OShaughnessyBetween the Woods and the Water by Patrick Leigh Fermor
O scurtă istorie ilustrată a românilor by Neagu Djuvara
Along the enchanted way by William Blacker
A Concise History of Romania by Keith Hitchins
Operation Autonomous by Ivor Porter
Критика чистого разума by Immanuel Kant
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics by Immanuel Kant
Metaphysics by Stephen Mumford
Romania Under Communist Rule by Dennis Deletant
Семь Духовных Законов Успеха by Deepak Chopra
Четыре соглашения by Don Miguel Ruiz