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Dragons in a Bag book cover
Dragons in a Bag
Zetta Elliott - 2018-10-23
Рейтинг Goodreads
Young Jaxon finds himself embarking on a magical adventure when he discovers that the mean old lady his mother sent him to visit is actually a witch in this diverse, young urban fantasy. After breaking two important rules - don't let the baby dragons out of the bag and don't feed them anything sweet - Jaxon and his friends must race against time to deliver the baby dragons to a secret magical world. Will they succeed, or will the dragons be lost in Brooklyn forever? This promising start to a new series is sure to provide readers with a fun and exciting experience.
Дикий робот book cover
Дикий робот
Peter Brown - 2016-04-05
Рейтинг Goodreads
В результате кораблекрушения на затерянный в океане остров попадает новенький робот. Перед ним стоит задача – адаптироваться к жизни в дикой природе, иначе его ждет гибель. Постепенно искусственно созданная машина становится на острове своей.
Спасибо Уинн-Дикси book cover
Спасибо Уинн-Дикси
Kate Dicamillo - 2001-08-06 (впервые опубликовано в 2000)
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Десятилетняя Индия Опал Булони переезжает вместе с отцом в крохотный южный городок Наоми и чувствует себя ужасно одинокой - до тех пор, пока в один прекрасный день не встречает в супермаркете под названием "Уинн-Дикси" нелепого бездомного пса, который умеет улыбаться совершенно по-человечески. Девочке ничего не остается, как взять его с собой, так и назвав - Уинн-Дикси. Смешная собака учит свою маленькую хозяйку смотреть на мир другими глазами: благодаря ей Опал знакомится с удивительными людьми и наконец находит друзей там, где меньше всего ожидала. Красочные, оригинальные иллюстрации и великолепный перевод сделают эту книгу незабываемой для маленьких читателей.
Stella Díaz Has Something to Say book cover
Stella Díaz Has Something to Say
Angela Dominguez - 2018-01-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
Stella Díaz loves marine animals, but she's not a betta fish - she loves spending time with her family and friends too. When her best friend is in another class, Stella feels lonely, but a new boy arrives in her class and she wants to be his friend. Stella sometimes accidentally speaks Spanish instead of English, which makes her embarrassed. With relatable writing and adorable black-and-white art throughout, this heartwarming story based on author Angela Dominguez's own experiences growing up Mexican-American introduces an infectiously charming character with a bilingual element. Stella Díaz Has Something to Say is a perfect read for middle-grade readers.
Planet Omar book cover
Planet Omar
Accidental Trouble Magnet
Zanib Mian - 2019-04-18
Рейтинг Goodreads
Planet Omar is an exciting middle-grade debut that follows the imaginative brain of a Muslim boy who's just moved to a new school. As Omar tries to navigate new surroundings, he faces challenges such as making new friends and dealing with a Big Mean Bully who tells him that Muslims will be kicked out of the country. With the help of his wacky family and humor, Omar's relatable and funny narrative is a perfect addition to diverse book collections.
Фантастичният господин Фокс [Fantastichniyat gospodin Foks] book cover
Фантастичният господин Фокс [Fantastichniyat gospodin Foks]
Roald Dahl - 2002-06-11 (впервые опубликовано в 1970)
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"Фантастичният господин Фокс" е детски роман от Роалд Дал, издаден за пръв път през 1970 г. Главният герой лисицата господин Фокс успешно надхитря съседите си фермери и краде храна под носа им. Всеки път, когато господин Фокс открадне пиле от фермите им, Богис, Бънс и Бийн побесняват. Тримата фермери са най-големите подлеци в долината и са съставили коварен план да изкопаят веднъж завинаги лисицата от дупката. Но те не знаят, че господин Фокс също има фантастичен план. Произведенията на Роалд Дал са разказани през призмата на детските очи. В тях обикновено има възрастни подлеци, които мразят и тормозят децата, и поне един добър възрастен, който се противопоставя на негодниците. Героите са може би препратка към злополучния престой на Дал в различни пансиони.
Айван, единственный и неповторимый book cover
Айван, единственный и неповторимый
Katherine Applegate - 2012-01-17
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Проведя двадцать семь лет за стеклянными стенами торгового центра, Айван привык к людям, наблюдающих за ним. Целыми днями он размышляет об их странном поведении, о шимпанзе, которые так сильно отличаются от горилл, о бездомном псе Бобе, который любит пробираться к Айвану в клетку и спать у него на животе, о телевизионных передачах, которые иногда включает для него смотритель. Но больше всего Айван думает о живописи, о том, как передать на бумаге вкус манго или шуршание листьев. Его жизнь течет размеренно, в ней есть свои маленькие радости. Но однажды в цирке появляется новый участник - слоненок Руби. Неожиданно для себя Айван начинает по-другому смотреть на жизнь в торговом центре. То и дело в его памяти начинают всплывать воспоминания из его прошлого в джунглях. Не желая, чтобы маленькая слониха повторила его судьбу, Айван решает во что бы то ни стало добиться для нее лучшей жизни. Сюжет этой книги основан на реальных событиях, произошедших с гориллой Айваном, который прославился своими рисунками, выполненными в "Пальчиковой технике".
Shannon MillerRob GoKelly Wickham Hurst
Sideways Stories from Wayside School book cover
Sideways Stories from Wayside School
Louis Sachar - 2004-01-19 (впервые опубликовано в 1978)
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Explore a zany, imaginative school where things don't always go according to plan in this collection of 30 short stories. Meet a cast of eccentric characters like Mrs Gorf, the meanest teacher, Todd, who always gets sent home early, and Jason, who's stuck to his seat. With a touch of humor and a hint of moral ambiguity, this book is perfect for readers of all ages.
Zoe Kazan
The Boxcar Children book cover
The Boxcar Children
Gertrude Chandler Warner - 1989-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1924)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the heartwarming tale of a family's steadfast love and loyalty in the midst of adversity. Follow the brave Alden siblings as they make their home in a simple boxcar and embark on a journey of self-discovery. The Boxcar Children is a compelling story that teaches the value of unity and determination, and the rewards of unexpected blessings.
Stuart Little book cover
Stuart Little
E. B White - 1973-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1945)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Follow the journey of Stuart Little, a small mouse born into a human family, as he goes on an adventure to find his best friend, Margalo, who has mysteriously disappeared. Join Stuart on his first ever trip away from home and witness the incredible experiences he encounters, all while showcasing his bravery and love for adventure. This classic novel is accompanied by black and white illustrations, making for an unforgettable read.
The Creature of the Pines by Adam Gidwitz
БДВ by Roald Dahl
The Mouse with the Question Mark Tail by Richard Peck
Olga and the Smelly Thing from Nowhere by Elise Gravel
Word Travelers and the Taj Mahal Mystery by Raj Haldar, Neha Rawat
Мило и волшебная будка by Norton Juster
Unicorn Academy #1 by Julie Sykes
Паутина Шарлотты by E. B White
Knight of the Cape (1) by Terry Catasus Jennings, Fatima Anaya
Hamster Princess by Ursula Vernon
Dragonbreath #1 by Ursula Vernon
The Sheep-Pig by Dick King-Smith
The Absent Author by Ron Roy
The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher by Dana Alison Levy
Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary
Clean Getaway by Nic Stone
Judy Blume's Fudge Box Set by Judy Blume
Где гора говорит с луной by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Королевство драконов by Jordan Quinn, Glass House Graphics
Whale vs. Giant Squid by Jerry Pallotta
The 13-Story Treehouse by Andy Griffiths
The Bad Guys Box Set by Aaron Blabey
Питер Обыкновенный, или Младших братьев не выбирают by Judy Blume
The World According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney
Mercy Watson to the Rescue by Kate Dicamillo
A Boy Called Bat by Elana K. Arnold
How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell
Spirit Week Showdown by Crystal Allen
The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden
The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies
The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling
Чарли и шоколадная фабрика by Roald Dahl
Henry's Freedom Box by Ellen Levine
Dark Emperor and Other Poems of the Night by Joyce Sidman
Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne, E. H. Shepard, Diego Jourdan Pereira
Just Grace Boxed Set by Charise Mericle Harper
J.D. and the Great Barber Battle by J. Dillard
Muggie Maggie by Beverly Cleary, Tracy Dockray
Пеппи Длинный Чулок by Astrid Lindgren
Догмен by Dav Pilkey
Best Friends Furever by Janay Brown-Wood
Дерево желаний by Katherine Applegate
Блестящая идея Кристи by Ann M. Martin
Third-Grade Detectives #1-2 by George E. Stanley
Mac Undercover by Mac Barnett
Ivy Lost and Found (With Pinyin and Picture) by Cynthia Lord
Cat Kid Comic Club by Dav Pilkey
Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke
Star Wars by Jeffrey Brown
Two-Headed Chicken by Tom Angleberger
The Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds by David A. Adler
Danger! Tiger Crossing by Lin Oliver, Samantha Kallis
Miss Daisy Is Crazy! by Dan Gutman
Dragons and Marshmallows by Asia Citro
Trapped in a Video Game by Dustin Brady
Frindle by Andrew Clements
Maya and the Robot by Eve L. Ewing, Christine Almeda
Как приручить дракона by Cressida Cowell
Marya Khan and the Incredible Henna Party by Saadia Faruqi, Ani Bushry
Saving Winslow by Sharon Creech
Креншоу by Katherine Applegate
Приключения мышонка Десперо by Kate Dicamillo