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Gorgeous Gruesome Faces book cover
Gorgeous Gruesome Faces
Linda Cheng - 2023-11-07
Рейтинг Goodreads
In this debut speculative thriller, a disgraced teen idol confronts the demons of her past in a glittering, cutthroat K-pop competition. Sunny Lee longs for her former life as a popstar and seizes the opportunity to join a new K-pop workshop attended by her ex-BFF and groupmate, Candie. But instead of answers, Sunny is haunted by ghostly visions and competitors begin suffering strange injuries and mutilations. In a race to survive, Sunny must uncover the truth behind the carnage and determine if Candie is out for blood once again. This spellbinding sapphic thriller will have readers screaming and swooning for more.
Chloe and the Kaishao Boys book cover
Chloe and the Kaishao Boys
Mae Coyiuto - 2023-03-07
Рейтинг Goodreads
This irresistible YA rom-com follows Chloe, a Chinese-Filipina girl in Manila, as she navigates her father's attempts to keep her close to home for college by setting her up on a series of awkward arranged dates. But as Chloe starts falling for one of her suitors and her dream of attending USC grows closer, she must confront the question of where she truly belongs. Combining the nuanced insights of When Dimple Met Rishi with the rollicking fun of Loveboat, Taipei, this charming novel is sure to win readers' hearts.
Saints of the Household book cover
Saints of the Household
Ari Tison - 2023-03-28
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"Saints of the Household" by Ari Tison is a haunting contemporary YA novel that explores themes of brotherhood, abuse, recovery, and doing the right thing. The story follows two Bribri American brothers, Max and Jay, who intervene in a fight in the woods and beat up their high school's star soccer player to a pulp. As the true details of that fateful afternoon unfold, the brothers grapple with the weight of their actions, their shifting relationship, and the realization that they may be more like their abusive father than they thought. Told through vignettes and poems, this debut novel by an Indigenous Costa Rican-American writer will take your breath away.
В конце они оба умрут book cover
В конце они оба умрут
Adam Silvera - 2017-09-05
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«С прискорбием сообщаем вам, что в последующие двадцать четыре часа вас постигнет безвременная смерть. Приносим глубочайшие соболезнования вашим родным и близким…» Однажды ночью сотрудники «Отдела Смерти» звонят Матео Торресу и Руфусу Эметерио, чтобы сообщить им плохие новости: сегодня они умрут. Матео и Руфус не знакомы, но оба по разным причинам ищут себе друга, с которым проведут Последний День. К счастью, специально для этого есть приложение «Последний друг», которое помогает им встретиться и вместе прожить целую жизнь за один день. Вдохновляющая и душераздирающая, очаровательная и жуткая — эта книга напоминает о том, что нет жизни без смерти, любви без потери и что даже за один день можно изменить свой мир.
Мы в порядке book cover
Мы в порядке
Nina Lacour - 2017-02-14
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Марин бросила все и сбежала из родного города, не объяснив причин даже лучшей подруге Мейбл. Она поступает в колледж в Нью-Йорке, в тысячах километрах от дома, и пытается начать новую жизнь. Однако, когда на новогодние каникулы к ней приезжает Мейбл, намереваясь возобновить общение, прошлое настигает Марин с новой силой, вынуждая взглянуть в лицо одиночеству и страхам.
Nicola Yoon
Dear Medusa book cover
Dear Medusa
(A Novel in Verse)
Olivia A. Cole - 2023-03-14
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In "Dear Medusa" by Olivia A. Cole, follow the harrowing journey of a sixteen-year-old girl as she confronts the trauma of sexual abuse and fights to reclaim her story, her anger, and her body. Alicia Rivers, plagued by a dark secret, is labeled the monster instead of the victim. Abandoned and isolated, she finds solace in her attraction to a new girl while uncovering the truth of her abuse through mysterious letters. This searing and intimate novel in verse is a fierce and powerful exploration of a young woman discovering the strength of her voice, her courage, and her rage.
America Redux book cover
America Redux
Visual Stories from Our Dynamic History
Ariel Aberg-Riger - 2023-05-02
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America Redux is a critical and eye-opening cultural history that challenges the stories we tell ourselves about America. This captivating book delves into the themes that shape our American identity and questions the myths that have influenced us for centuries. Through twenty-one visually stunning stories, this immersive experience uncovers the unexpected, darker sides of history that continue to impact society today. With a combination of archival photographs, maps, documents, and handwritten text, America Redux offers a fresh perspective on the past and encourages readers to envision a brighter future.
The Making of Yolanda la Bruja book cover
The Making of Yolanda la Bruja
Lorraine Avila - 2023-04-11
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In "The Making of Yolanda la Bruja" by Lorraine Avila, Yolanda Alvarez navigates a new school, forming friendships, and coming into her family's bruja tradition. However, when a troubled white boy enters her school, Yolanda is plagued by visions of the violence he threatens. Can Yolanda protect her community in a world that doesn't listen? This powerful and timely book explores the intersection of race, justice, education, and spirituality, making it a must-read for readers everywhere.
The Fall of Whit Rivera book cover
The Fall of Whit Rivera
Crystal Maldonado - 2023-10-10
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Get ready for a heartwarming autumn romcom filled with hilarious banter, unexpected sparks, and a dash of rivalry. In "The Fall of Whit Rivera" by Crystal Maldonado, Whit and Zay must put aside their differences and work together to plan the fall formal. As they navigate their way through misunderstandings and a rollercoaster of emotions, they also tackle important topics such as PCOS, chronic illness, sexuality, fatphobia, Latine identity, and class. This witty and insightful novel will leave you swooning and craving more from Crystal Maldonado. Don't miss out on this delightful celebration of love in all its forms, from family and friends to romance and self-discovery.
Вся ваша ненависть book cover
Вся ваша ненависть
Angie Thomas - 2017-02-28
Рейтинг Goodreads
Шестнадцатилетняя Старр Картер живет в бедном районе, но учится в престижной частной школе. Хрупкий мостик между двумя ее жизнями рушится, когда на глазах у Старр полицейский убивает Халиля - ее друга детства. Совсем скоро смерть Халиля становится национальной сенсацией: одни называют его бандитом и наркоторговцем, другие устраивают шествие в его честь. Полиция и местный наркобарон угрожают Старр и ее семье. Все хотят выяснить одно: что на самом деле случилось той ночью? Старр - единственная, кто знает ответ, и теперь в ее руках не только собственная жизнь, но и судьбы других людей.
Only This Beautiful Moment by Abdi Nazemian
Monstrous by Sarah Myer
In Limbo by Deb JJ Lee
Маленькие женщины by Louisa May Alcott
Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
The Bee Sting by Paul Murray
Land of Milk and Honey by C Pam Zhang
Game of Freedom by Duncan Tonatiuh
Mountain Song by Lucy Fuggle
The Getaway List by Emma Lord
Говори by Laurie Halse Anderson
Первому игроку приготовиться by Ernest Cline
Убить пересмешника by Harper Lee
Девушка с нижнего этажа by Stacey Lee
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez
Уилл Грейсон, Уилл Грейсон by John Green
Далеко от яблони by Robin Benway
Promise Boys by Nick Brooks
Один из нас лжет by Karen M. McManus
Firekeeper's Daughter by Boulley Angeline
Хороших девочек не убивают by Holly Jackson
Begin Again by Emma Lord
Поэт Икс by Elizabeth Acevedo
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo
В поисках Шары Уилер by Casey McQuiston
Заметки о любви by Jennifer E. Smith
Simple Business by Lucy Fuggle
Going Bicoastal by Dahlia Adler
Murtagh by Christopher Paolini
Игры наследников by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Мальчики с кладбища by Aiden Thomas
Fangirl, Vol. 3 by Rainbow Rowell, Gabi Nam
Баллада о змеях и певчих птицах by Suzanne Collins
Doodles from the Boogie Down by Stephanie Rodriguez
Parachute Kids by Betty C. Tang
Knockout by Sarah MacLean
Đứa Trẻ Hư by Zijin Chen, Michelle Deeter
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by S.A. Chakraborty
The Skull by Jon Klassen
Ruby Lost and Found by Christina Li
Ancestory by Hannah Salyer
Nena, y Roberta ¿dónde está? by Marie Biskai
Книжный вор by Markus Zusak
Opposite of Always by Justin A. Reynolds
Magic by Mirelle Ortega