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The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt book cover
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Richard H. Wilkinson - 2003-05-26
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Explore the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt's gods and goddesses - worshipped for over three-fifths of recorded history. This comprehensive guide examines the evolution and decline of the numerous deities, from minor household figures such as Bes, to all-powerful ones like Amun and Re. The richness and complexity of their mythology reflected in countless tributes throughout Egypt, from lavish tomb paintings to humble household shrines. You'll find hundreds of illustrations and specially commissioned drawings in this authoritative guide that reveals the role these deities played at the heart of Egyptian religion and society.
Mara, Daughter of the Nile book cover
Mara, Daughter of the Nile
Eloise Jarvis McGraw - 1985-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1953)
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A thrilling adventure set in ancient Egypt, this story follows Mara, a proud slave who longs for freedom. She is different from other slaves as she can read, write, and speak Babylonian. In order to gain her freedom, Mara plays the dangerous role of a double spy for two enemies vying for the throne of Egypt. As she falls in love with one of her masters, she finds herself torn between loyalty and love. This book is a must-read for those who love romance, espionage, and adventure in a richly drawn historical background.
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt book cover
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt
Ian Shaw - 2000-12-14
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Explore the 700,000-year history of ancient Egypt, including their prehistoric origins, conquers, and society with The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Through detailed examinations of political and cultural events, this book provides a comprehensive understanding of life and death, architecture, literature, and art during this endlessly intriguing civilization. Written by an international team of experts, including surprising facts and colorful personalities, this book is a must-read for history buffs.
The Egyptian Cinderella book cover
The Egyptian Cinderella
Shirley Climo - 1992-02-28 (впервые опубликовано в 1989)
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A captivating retelling of an ancient tale, The Egyptian Cinderella blends fact and myth to create a stunning narrative that is both eloquent and clear. Accompanied by exquisite illustrations that perfectly complement the beauty of the language, this book is a must-read for story time and a valuable resource for anyone studying the evolution of Cinderella throughout history.
The Golden Goblet book cover
The Golden Goblet
Eloise Jarvis Mcgraw - 1986-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1961)
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Solve the mystery of ancient Egypt in this thrilling Newbery Honor Book. Ranofer battles against his treacherous brother, Gebu, to uphold his dream of becoming a master goldsmith like his father. Can he succeed in his quest against all odds? Find out in this exciting tale full of mystery and intrigue.
Подъем и упадок Древнего Египта book cover
Подъем и упадок Древнего Египта
Toby Wilkinson - 2010-08-02
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Древний Египет… Его история, охватывающая 3000 лет… В долине Нила века сменялись другими веками, династии сменяли другие династии, а царства сменяли другие царства… Не было в человеческой истории государственности, просуществовавшей столь долгий срок без перерыва… Свою книгу Т. Уилкинсон посвятил взлетам и падениям Древнего Египта, в ней автор подробно рассказывает нам эпическую историю великой цивилизации - от ее рождения как первого национального государства до окончательного вхождения в Римскую империю.
Египетская книга мертвых book cover
Египетская книга мертвых
The Book of Going Forth by Day
Ogden Goelet - 1967-06-01 NaN
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Египетская книга мертвых давно уже для многих из нас стала символом Египта в не меньшей степени, чем пирамиды, фараоны, мумии и Сфинкс. Эта древнейшая книга на протяжении почти 5000 лет занимала важное место в жизни каждого благочестивого египтянина: будь то фараон или пахарь, супруга фараона или ее служанка - все они жили, постоянно обращаясь к учению "Книги мертвых". Египтян хоронили, руководствуясь ее указаниями; их надежда на вечную жизнь и счастье была основана на действенности ее гимнов, молитв и заклинаний. Для них главы "Книги мертвых" были всемогущим путеводителем по дороге, которая через смерть и погребение вела в царство света и жизни, в присутствие божественного Осириса, смерть превозмогшего, который одарил мужчин и женщин способностью "родиться вновь". А потому прочтение этой великой и мудрой книги может помочь всем интересующимся историей древних цивилизаций понять и почувствовать, чем жил и дышал Древний Египет.
Красная пирамида book cover
Красная пирамида
Rick Riordan - 2010-05-04
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Original cover of ISBN13 9785699749768. Начало нового сериала от создателя цикла о Перси Джексоне, ставшего одним из главных литературных событий последних лет и упрочившего успех высокобюджетной экранизацией! Брат и сестра Кейн, четырнадцатилетний Картер и двенадцатилетняя Сейди, — обыкновенные американские школьники, и заботы у них самые обыкновенные. Только эта их обыкновенность обманчива. На самом деле в Сейди и Картере живут души богов Египта, в Картере — бога Гора, в его сестре — богини Изиды. И в тайных замыслах Дома жизни, древнего сообщества магов, семейству Кейнов предназначена особо важная роль…
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt book cover
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Mythology for Kids
Morgan E. Moroney - 2020-02-25
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Explore the fascinating world of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses through 20 easy-to-follow myths. From the rising of the sun to the flooding of the Nile, these powerful deities ruled over every aspect of life in ancient Egypt. Discover how mythology was an integral part of their culture, including pyramid building, mummification, and even the worshiping of cats! Complete with captivating illustrations and photos, this guide is a must-read for anyone interested in Egyptian mythology and culture.
The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt book cover
The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
Elizabeth Payne - 1981-02-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1964)
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Unlock the secrets of Ancient Egypt with The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Discover how archaeologists have pieced together the history of one of the greatest civilizations that thrived along the banks of the Nile River for over 3,000 years. Journey through the discovery of Egypt's secrets, customs, hieroglyphic writings, and its golden days.
Egyptian Mythology by Geraldine Pinch
Pyramid by David MacAulay
National Geographic Kids Everything Ancient Egypt by Crispin Boyer
1,000 Facts About Ancient Egypt by Nancy Honovich
Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #2 by Jeff Brown
Seeker of Knowledge by James Rumford
The Nile by Toby Wilkinson
Tales of Ancient Egypt by Roger Lancelyn Green
The Cat of Bubastes A Tale of Ancient Egypt by G. A. (George Alfred) Henty
Casting the Gods Adrift by Geraldine McCaughrean
Нефертити [Nefertiti] by Michelle Moran
Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll
Who Was King Tut? by Roberta Edwards
Treasury of Egyptian Mythology by Donna Jo Napoli
Tut's Mummy by Judy Donnelly
You Wouldn't Want to Be an Egyptian Mummy!You Wouldn't Want to… by David Stewart
Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt by John Baines
Mummies Made in Egypt by Aliki
The 5,000-Year-Old Puzzle by Claudia Logan
Pharaoh's Boat by David Weitzman
Gods and Myths of Ancient Egypt by Robert A. Armour
Сын света by Christian Jacq
Tutankhamen's Gift by Robert Sabuda
Temple Cat by Andrew Clements
The Story of Egypt by Joann Fletcher
The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan
Смерть на Ниле by Agatha Christie
Египтология [Egiptologiia] by Emily Sands, Dugald Steer
The Writing of the Gods by Edward Dolnick
Mummies and Pyramids by Mary Pope Osborne
See Inside Ancient Egypt - Usborne Flap Books by Rob Lloyd Jones
Ancient Egypt by Marcia Williams
Egypt Magnified by David Long
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt by Bill Manley
The Mind of Egypt by Jan Assmann
A World Beneath the Sands by Toby Wilkinson
Mummies, Pyramids, and Pharaohs by Gail Gibbons
Akhenaten by Dominic Montserrat
If I Were a Kid in Ancient Egypt by Cobblestone Publishing
Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids by Dorothea Arnold
Tutankhamun's Armies by John Coleman Darnell
Who Built the Pyramids? by Jane Chisholm
Cleopatra by Diane Stanley
You Wouldn't Want to Be Tutankhamen!You Wouldn't Want to… by David Stewart
Ancient Egypt by Barry J. Kemp
We're Sailing Down the Nile by Laurie Krebs
Mummies in the Morning by Mary Pope Osborne
The Penguin Book of Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt by Joyce Tyldesley
How the Sphinx Got to the Museum by Jessie Hartland
Egyptian Diary by Richard Platt
Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile by Tomie Depaola
Secrets Of The Sphinx by James Cross Giblin
Croco'nile by Roy Gerrard
Akhenaten by Naguib Mahfouz
The Time-Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess by Julia Jarman
Howard and the Mummy by Tracey Fern