Лучшие книги о природе
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Эта книга познакомит вашего ребенка с семенами растений. Здесь собрана целая коллекция: крошечные семена секвойи и огромные кокосы, ярко-красные бобы софоры и пушистые семена одуванчика.
Что такое семена и зачем они нужны? Как они выглядят и как их защищает растение? Как семена путешествуют в поисках места, где смогут пустить корни? Что происходит внутри семени, когда оно попадает в землю? На каждом развороте вас ждут интересные факты из мира ботаники и прекрасные иллюстрации.
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Explore the wonders of the natural world with mesmerizing illustrations and fascinating insights in this captivating book. From the intricacies of mineral formation to the anatomy of a jellyfish, every page is a delightful journey that celebrates the beauty and diversity of nature.
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Discover a world unseen by human eyes in this stunning, passionate work of activism and resistance. Richard Powers's twelfth novel weaves together interlocking fables spanning centuries and continents, from antebellum New York to the Timber Wars of the Pacific Northwest. Immerse yourself in this breathtaking paean to the natural world and follow the journey of a few individuals who learn to see the invisible forces at play in our world, as they become entangled in a catastrophic unfolding. A New York Times Bestseller.
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A boy named Ernest D. decides to explore the depths of his pond, only to find a world beyond his imagination. This discovery changes him forever in a heartwarming tale that reminds us all to never stop exploring.
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Over and Under the Pond
(Environment and Ecology Books for Kids, Nature Books, Children's Oceanography Books, Animal Books for Kids)
Explore the vibrant ecosystem of a mountain pond in this captivating children's book. Written by Kate Messner and illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal, readers will discover the hidden world of aquatic plants and animals. From minnows to beavers, tadpoles to dragonflies, the intricate and interconnected world of the pond comes to life. A stunning companion to other nature-focused titles by the same authors, this book will inspire a curiosity and appreciation for the natural world in young readers.
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Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt
(Nature Book for Kids, Gardening and Vegetable Planting, Outdoor Nature Book)
Explore the secret world of a garden with Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt. Follow a young girl and her grandmother as they journey through a year of planning, planting, and harvesting. Discover the busy world down in the dirt as earthworms dig, snakes hunt, and skunks burrow. Stunning illustrations in dark earthy tones mixed with pops of color bring nature to life, while a glossary of garden animals enriches the reading experience. Perfect for families and classrooms, this educational and engaging storyline emphasizes the complexities and joys of sustained engagement with the land.
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Venture into the wild with Sam Gribley as he leaves his city life behind and sets up home in the Catskill Mountains. With a falcon and a weasel for company and only his wits to survive, Sam learns to live off the land in this spellbinding, funny, and touching account. Along the way, he battles blizzards, hunters, loneliness, and fear, all while discovering his desire for freedom, independence, and adventure. Jean Craighead George's My Side of the Mountain is a Newbery Honor Book that has inspired generations of young readers to explore the great outdoors.
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Мотыльки, пчелы, бабочки, черви, сверчки, пауки и божьи коровки — наш мир наполнен невероятным количеством самых разных букашек, которые окружают нас повсюду: дома, на улице, в лесу и даже высоко в небе, когда мы летим на самолете. "Большая книга букашек" — первая иллюстрированная инсектопедия для детей, рассказывающая молодым исследователям о многообразии насекомых. Каждая страница книги посвящена отдельному виду и увлекательно рассказывает о том, почему одни букашки постоянно прячутся, а другие наоборот — хвастливо летают рядом с нами, почему кто-то из них любит жить в наших квартирах, а кто-то — в земле или воде.
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A Walk in the Forest
(ages 3-6, hiking and nature walk children's picture book encouraging exploration, curiosity, and independent play)
"Explore the magical world of the forest with A Walk in the Forest, an invitation to discover nature through imaginative play and contemplation. Take a walk and collect treasures, listen to the sounds of nature, and build a shelter. Admire Maria Dek's charming watercolor illustrations and poetic text, as the forest comes alive in all its mysterious glory."
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"Animalium" takes readers on a journey through the wonders of the animal kingdom, offering over 200 full-color specimens and informative text to bring them to life. It's the perfect book for nature lovers and those seeking a deeper understanding of the animals around us. Welcome to the Museum's first title in the series is a must-read for anyone looking to explore the world of animals in stunning detail.
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A Nest Is Noisy by Dianna Hutts Aston
Tree by Britta Teckentrup
Бабочка не спешит [Babochka ne speshit] by Dianna Aston
Vesper Flights by Helen Macdonald
Finding Wild by Megan Wagner Lloyd
Прогулка по лесам by Bill Bryson
Trees, Leaves & Bark by Diane Burns
Открытие природы by Andrea Wulf
Голос земли by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Уолден, или Жизнь в лесу by Henry David Thoreau
Here We Are Notes For Living On Planet by Illustrated Oliver Jeffers Oliver Jeffers
Birds, Nests & Eggs by Mel Boring
The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown-Ups by Gina Ingoglia
The Little Gardener by Emily Hughes
Owl Moon by Jane Yolen
Дриад by Dr. Seuss
Fun With Nature by Mel Boring
The Lost Spells by Robert Macfarlane
Outside Your Window by Nicola Davies
Дикий робот by Peter Brown
Wilding by Isabella Tree
Там, где раки поют by Delia Owens
The Hike by Alison Farrell
Howl like a Wolf! by Kathleen Yale
Большая маленькая планета by Rachel Ignotofsky
Тайная жизнь деревьев by Peter Wohlleben
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
The Tree Lady by H. Joseph Hopkins
You Belong Here by M. H. Clark
A Rock Is Lively by Dianna Hutts Aston
Little Owl's Night by Divya Srinivasan
Что скрыто под асфальтом? by Charlotte Guillain
The Magic and Mystery of Trees by Jen Green
Does It Fart? by Nick Caruso
The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
Sing a Song of Seasons by Nosy Crow
Botanicum Postcards by Kathy Willis
Moon by Britta Teckentrup
Река by Marc Martin
Caterpillars, Bugs and Butterflies by Mel Boring
The Wonder Garden by Jenny Broom
Дикая by Cheryl Strayed
Солёная тропа by Raynor Winn
Curious Kids Nature Guide by Fiona Cohen
Wildflowers, Blooms & Blossoms by Diane Burns
Have You Heard the Nesting Bird? by Rita Gray
Strange Trees by Bernadette Pourquie
Because of an Acorn by Lola M. Schaefer
Flowers Are Calling by Rita Gray
Iaitco liubit tishinu by Dianna Hutts Aston
Спасение дикого робота by Peter Brown
О всех созданиях - больших и малых by James Herriot
Подземье by Robert MacFarlane
Sam and Dave Dig a Hole by Mac Barnett
The Forest Unseen by David George Haskell
World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil
Owls of the Eastern Ice by Jonathan C Slaght
The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling by John Muir Laws
How to Be a Wildflower by Katie Daisy
The Brilliant Deep by Kate Messner
Farm Anatomy by Julia Rothman
The Animal Book by Steve Jenkins
The Big Book of the Blue by Yuval Zommer
Food Anatomy by Julia Rothman
The Big Book of Birds by Yuval Zommer
Curiositree by Aj Wood
Bonkers About Beetles by Owen Davey
Get Your Boots On by Alex White, Chris Packham
Мишка, бурый мишка, кто там впереди? by Bill Martin Jr.
The Moose and Me by Oliver Jeffers
Ночной садовник [Nochnoy sadovnik] by Terry Fan
На снегу и под снегом by Kate Messner
Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
С жизнью наедине by Kristin Hannah
Шестое вымирание by Elizabeth Kolbert
National Parks of the USA by Kate Siber
Очень голодная гусеница by Eric Carle
Когда-то там были волки by Charlotte Mcconaghy
Те, кто делает нас лучше by SY Montgomery
The Wonders of Nature by Ben Hoare
The Book of Wilding by Isabella Tree
Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Tiny Creatures by Nicola Davies
Water Is Water by Miranda Paul
Обитатели холмов by Richard Adams
Бродяги Дхармы by Jack Kerouac
В диких условиях by Jon Krakauer
Запутанная жизнь by Merlin Sheldrake