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"Discover the inspiring true story of James J. Braddock, the 'Cinderella Man' of boxing, who went from a broken hand and a string of losses to a stunning upset as heavyweight champion during the Great Depression. Against all odds, Braddock's unlikely comeback resonated with the working class and made him the most beloved champion in boxing history. Through Jeremy Schaap's vivid storytelling, immerse yourself in the world of the sport's golden age and witness the power of determination in the face of adversity. A classic David and Goliath tale that transcends boxing."
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Learn the fighting techniques and strategies of Jack Dempsey, a World Champion and Hall of Fame Boxer, in Championship Fighting. This instructive book covers the theory, training, and application of powerful punching, aggressive defense, proper stance, feinting, and footwork with detailed illustrations. Suitable for both amateurs and professionals, Dempsey's methods will take your fighting game to the next level.
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Невероятно искренняя, брутальная и драматичная автобиография Майка Тайсона. Он стал легендой мирового бокса, но его жизнь вне ринга была не менее яростной и бесшабашной, чем его бои.
В Майке Тайсоне уживаются несколько личностей - безжалостный боец и ироничный философ, осужденный преступник и бродвейский шоумен, ранимый подросток и неуемный бабник… Парнишка из гетто, ставший самым молодым абсолютным чемпионом мира в тяжелой весовой категории, принявший это как должное - и так и не научившийся с этим жить. Миллионер, в одночасье оказавшийся нищим, осужденный за преступление, которое не совершал, и выходивший безнаказанным из таких передряг, которые грозили ему пожизненным заключением. Алкоголик и наркоман, сумевший обуздать своих демонов.
Он был абсолютно беспощаден к своим противникам на ринге. Он и теперь абсолютно беспощаден к себе и к читателю. Но только такая безжалостная искренность и позволила ему примириться с самим собой, восстановить достоинство и самоуважение, обрести любовь и семью.
"Бокс для меня - религия. И мое отношение к Майку - это отношение истинно верующего человека к иконе".
Владимир Хрюнов, самая влиятельная персона профессионального бокса России.
"Моим тренером был крутой парень. Кас Д.Амато был убежденным сторонником того, что ты в своем сознании должен быть тем, кем ты хочешь стать. Если ты хочешь стать чемпионом мира в тяжелом весе, тебе надо начать жизнь чемпиона в тяжелом весе. Мне было только четырнадцать лет, но я был убежденным сторонником философии Каса. Постоянно тренироваться; все просчитывать, как римский гладиатор; мысленно находиться в состоянии постоянной борьбы, внешне оставаясь спокойным и расслабленным".
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Discover the true story of the first black heavyweight champion in history through the pages of this prizewinning biography. "Unforgivable Blackness" by Geoffrey C. Ward chronicles the life and legacy of Jack Johnson, a complex and compelling figure who battled his way to the top of the boxing world and challenged the social norms of his time by taking orders from no one. He was a hero to many, but a threat to others, and his story sheds light on a fascinating time in American history. With over 50 photographs and access to new material, Ward's biography restores Johnson to his rightful place in the pantheon of American individualists.
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"Dark Trade" takes readers on an illuminating journey through the world of professional boxing. Author Donald McRae, known for his award-winning non-fiction books, captures the stories of legendary boxers like Tyson, Bruno, and Holyfield in striking detail. With wit and compassion, McRae delves into the human desire for fame and the societal issues of race and violence that fuel this brutal sport. This new edition includes a new chapter by the author and a stunning cover painting of James Toney by noted boxing artist Amanda Kelley.
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The Last Great Fight
The Extraordinary Tale of Two Men and How One Fight Changed Their Lives Forever
Uncover the gripping story of the biggest boxing upset in history in this meticulously researched and wonderfully written account. Follow the lives of the two warriors, Mike Tyson and James "Buster" Douglas, inside and outside the ring leading up to the legendary fight. With exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes access, this human drama explores shattered dreams and ultimate redemption.
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Autographed Sports Classics offers a collection of 10 volumes that delve into the world of sports. From boxing to baseball, these books cover a range of subjects that will engage and captivate any sports enthusiast. Written by acclaimed authors such as Robert Creamer, Lawrence Ritter, A. J. Liebling, and more, these books are in pristine condition and will make a valuable addition to any bookshelf. Discover the history, scandals, triumphs, and personal stories that make sports such a compelling and beloved part of our culture.
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This spiritual memoir takes readers on a journey through the life of former boxing legend Muhammad Ali, exploring the values that have shaped and guided him, from childhood to the present. Ali shares his faith in God and the strength it gave him during his greatest challenge, as well as reflections on moral courage, respect for others, and life's true purpose. Written with his daughter Hana, The Soul of a Butterfly is a heartfelt and inspiring book that offers comfort for troubled times.
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A legendary boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in 1974 comes alive through the words of commentator Norman Mailer. With unparalleled energy, acumen, and audacity, Mailer delves into the fighters' moves, characters, and competing claims on African and American souls. Combining sports journalism with literary excellence, this book is a masterpiece. Praise from The New York Times calls it "exquisitely refined and attenuated" and one of Mailer's finest books.
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Get in the ring with A.J. Liebling's "The Sweet Science." This classic collection of New Yorker pieces transports readers to the heyday of boxing in America, chronicling the rise of greats like Sugar Ray Robinson and Rocky Marciano, as well as the unfortunate decline of Joe Louis. Liebling's vivid writing not only captures the fights themselves, but also the human stories behind them. Sports Illustrated even named it the best American sports book of all time.
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A Man's World by Donald McRae
The Life and Crimes of Don King by Jack Newfield
Box Like the Pros by Joe Frazier
Fat City by Leonard Gardner
John L. Sullivan and His America by Michael T. Isenberg
Sweet Thunder by Wil Haygood
Boxing by Kasia Boddy
Rocky Marciano by Russell Sullivan
Jack Dempsey by Randy Roberts
Blood Brothers by Randy Roberts
Four Kings by George Kimball
Atlas by Teddy Atlas, Peter Alson
The Road to Nowhere by Tris Dixon
Tunney by Jack Cavanaugh
One Punch from the Promised Land by John Florio, Ouisie Shapiro
Sound and Fury by Dave Kindred
The Good Son by Mark Kriegel
Greatest Boxing Stories Ever Told by Jeff Silverman
Richmond Unchained by Luke G. Williams
The Prizefighter and the Playwright by Jay Tunney
Beyond Glory by David Margolick
Boxing Mastery by Mark Hatmaker, Doug Werner
America on the Ropes by Wayne A. Rozen
Sweet William by Andrew O'Toole
Shelby's Folly by Jason Kelly
Ali and Liston by Bob Mee
Four Kings by George Kimball
Ghosts of Manila by Mark Kram
The Big Fight by Sugar Ray Leonard
Американская мечта короля ринга by David Remnick
The Greatest by Muhammad Ali
The Fighter's Mind by Sam Sheridan
At the Fights by George Kimball
The Boxing Kings by Paul Beston
Hands of Stone by Christian Giudice
The Black Lights by Thomas Hauser
The Longest Fight by William Gildea
Smokin' Joe by Joe Frazier, Phil Berger
The Art of the Sweet Science by Shahan Dudayev
Железные амбиции by Mike Tyson
At the Fights by Howard Schatz, Beverly Ornstein
Ringside by Budd Schulberg
The Hardest Game (Contemporary Sports Classics) by Hugh McIlvanney
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Boxing by Harry Mullan
The Art of Boxing by Bobby Mayne
In the Ring with Bob Fitzsimmons by Adam J. Pollack
AN Illustrated History Of Boxing by Nat Fleischer, Sam Andre, Nigel Collins, Dan Rafael
The Fireside Book of Boxing by W.C.Heinz
Champion by Chris Mead
On Boxing by Joyce Carol Oates, Ursula Locke-Groß, Andrea Ott
Pound for Pound by Herb Boyd, Ray Robinson
Mental Combat by Phil Pierce
The Professional 1ED by W. C. Heinz