Лучшие книги о христианском воспитании родителей
Получите мудрость и руководство от лучших книг о христианском воспитании родителей, отобранных на основании частоты рекомендаций для воспитания семьи, наполненной верой.
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Тед Трипп делится своим более чем двадцатилетним опытом пастора, консультанта, школьного администратора и отца. Книга показывает перспективы и методику наставления ребенка в соответствии с библейским учением. Автор предлагает родителям реальную, надежную, основанную на Библии помощь. Книга учит вас беседовать с детьми, наглядно представляет, как словами и делами расположить сердце ребенка к послушанию, показывает, как дружеское общение и наказание дополняют друг друга, когда родители мудро воспитывают детей. Характерной чертой нашего поколения стало проблематичное положение отца в семье — он уже далеко не всегда может быть главой в своем доме. Дети, воспитываемые в такой атмосфере, уже не спрашивают разрешения, чтобы начать говорить, не боятся возражать и дерзить своим близким. Цель книги — уверить читателей в том, что можно растить своих детей, приучая их к благочестивой, богоугодной жизни даже в наше сложное время.
Воспитание требует того, чтобы вы, как пастырь, наставляли своих чад, направляя их на путь божественной мудрости.
Представлено в 14 статьях
`Счастье - лучший университет`, - сказал Пушкин. Что это значит? Возрастая, ребенок должен постоянно чувствовать родительскую любовь - тогда он счастлив, тогда он входит во взрослую жизнь полноценным гражданином. Родители, не зная, что ребенок по-своему, не так, как взрослые, ощущает родительскую любовь, сами того не желая, могут сделать его несчастным. Вот причина непослушания, плохой учебы и даже скрытой агрессии. Как найти тот необходимый и единственно верный путь к сердцу вашего ребенка и достигнуть взаимопонимания, подсказывает эта книга.
Представлено в 12 статьях
Explore a more biblical perspective on parenting in this highly practical book. Discover fourteen gospel-centered principles that will radically transform your approach to raising your child, shaping you as a parent before effectively shaping your child. Shift your view of parenting from a list of rules to a perspective of God's grace, and watch your family thrive.
Представлено в 9 статьях
Discover a grace-based parenting style that nurtures a healthy family, reflects God's love and forgiveness, and replaces fear with positive reinforcement. Dr. Tim Kimmel, founder of Family Matters ministries, presents a revolutionary approach to parenting that rejects rigidity and fear-based tactics. Embrace God's grace and create a strong foundation for raising morally and spiritually motivated children. This affordable trade paper edition will transform your family dynamic.
Представлено в 9 статьях
"Wild Things" is a practical guide that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of raising boys. Written by two therapists who are also fathers of five sons, the book offers guidance and encouragement for parents seeking to guide their sons towards healthy and authentic manhood. Chapters include "Sit Still! Pay Attention!" and "Rituals, Ceremonies, and Rites of Passage."
Представлено в 6 статьях
Discover how to reach past your child's outward behavior and dive into the issues of the heart with this empowering book. Written by a seasoned mother, this book offers practical application of Scripture to help moms build more meaningful relationships with their children. Say goodbye to the frustrations of disobedience and hello to a more confident and well-balanced approach to parenting.
Представлено в 6 статьях

Bringing Up Girls
Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women
This comprehensive guide by Dr. James Dobson tackles the challenges and issues that young girls face, such as peer pressure, academic demands, and decisions about love and sex. From childhood to adolescence, this book provides insights on how to guide and equip your daughters to make wise choices and become strong, healthy, and confident women.
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"Bringing Up Boys" by acclaimed parenting expert Dr. James Dobson offers sensible advice and caring encouragement to parents, teachers, and other caregivers on raising boys. With society's confusion about the role of men, many are at a loss on how to properly bring up boys who may be suffering due to the vilification of masculinity. Dr. Dobson tackles these tough questions and provides guidance based on firm biblical principles. Winner of the 2002 Gold Medallion Award, this book is a must-read for anyone involved in nurturing the character of boys.
Представлено в 6 статьях

Grace Based Discipline
How to Be at Your Best When Your Kids Are at Their Worst
Discover the secrets to effective and grace-based parenting with this must-read book. The author, Karis Kimmel Murray, provides practical advice on how to discipline children of all ages while staying calm and setting boundaries. With relatable stories and a touch of humor, Grace Based Discipline will help you apply consequences that really work and create a peaceful and loving household. A must-read for any parent who wants to raise well-behaved and happy children.
Представлено в 5 статьях
Discover how to control your knee-jerk reactions and cope with anger as a parent, with Triggers. This book dives into the root causes of parental anger, exploring both external triggers, such as disobedience and backtalk, and internal triggers, including sleep deprivation and childhood experiences. Authors Amber Lia and Wendy Speake offer readers practical tools, backed by biblical insight, to help move past anger-filled reactions and towards more gentle, loving responses.
Представлено в 4 статьях
Мама и сын by Meg Meeker
Talking with Your Kids about Jesus by Natasha Crain
Воспитание с умом by Daniel J. Siegel
Parenting With Love And Logic by Foster Cline
Как говорить, чтобы дети слушали, и как слушать, чтобы дети говорили by Adele Faber
Sacred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas
Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George
Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen
The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
Братья и сёстры by Adele Faber
God Gave Us Heaven by Lisa T. Bergren
Дети by Henry Cloud
The Lifegiving Home by Sally Clarkson
The Memory Box by Joanna Rowland
The Lifegiving Parent by Sally Clarkson
Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World by Kristen Welch
The Christian Parenting Handbook by Scott Turansky
Hope for the Weary Mom by Stacey Thacker
Boys Should Be Boys by Meg Meeker
Новый ребенок к пятнице by Kevin Leman
The New Strong-Willed Child by James Dobson
Parenting Isn't for Cowards by James C. Dobson
Untangled by Lisa Damour
Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer
Дисциплина без драм by Daniel J. Siegel
No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Laura Markham
The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Different by Sally Clarkson
The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Keeping Your Kids on God's Side by Natasha Crain
The Treasure Tree by John Trent
Give Them Grace by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick
Making Children Mind without Losing Yours by Kevin Leman
Changes by Luke Gilkerson, Trisha Gilkerson
Raising World Changers in a Changing World by Kristen Welch
Mom Up by Kara-Kae James
Raising a Strong Daughter in a Toxic Culture by Meg Meeker
Не бойтесь быть строгими by James C. Dobson
Lift-the-Flap First Questions and Answers by Katie Daynes
Why Can't I Get My Kids to Behave? by Joey Link
Sticky Faith by Kara E. Powell
52 Things Kids Need from a Dad by Jay Payleitner
Better Dads, Stronger Sons by Rick Johnson
God Knows How to Raise Your Kids by Joe McGee
8 Things No Kid Should Leave Home Without by Joe McGee
Необузданное сердце by John Eldredge
Building Confidence in Your Child by James Dobson
Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields Msae
Родительский парадокс by Jennifer Senior
Hands Free Mama by Rachel Macy Stafford
Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne