Лучшие книги по дрессировке собак
Тренируйте своего пушистого друга с уверенностью, используя мудрость, найденную в этих лучших книгах по дрессировке собак, отобранных за их постоянное упоминание специалистами по уходу за домашними животными и тренерами.

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Zak George's Dog Training Revolution
The Complete Guide to Raising the Perfect Pet with Love
Revolutionize your dog's training with Zak George's fresh approach. As a dynamic YouTube star and Animal Planet personality, Zak tailors training to your dog's unique traits and energy level. In this comprehensive guide, he covers everything from choosing the right pup and basic training to handling behavioral issues and health care essentials. Featuring corresponding videos on Zak's YouTube channel, you'll have all the tools you need to have a happier, well-trained, and bonded furry friend.
Представлено в 38 статьях
Learn how to be the best dog owner with this classic bestseller, updated to include the latest developments in canine health. Written by the Monks of New Skete, trusted authorities on dog training, this book covers everything from canine behavior and training to the animal/human bond. Drawing on their experience as breeders and trainers of dogs of all breeds, the Monks provide invaluable advice for every dog owner. This updated edition features new photographs, updated chapters, and the latest developments in canine health and behavioral theory.
Представлено в 34 статьях

101 Dog Tricks
Step by Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your Dog (Dog Tricks and Training)
Learn how to train your furry friend in over 100 fun and challenging tricks with this best-selling book, now available in 18 languages! Each trick is rated by difficulty level and includes colorful, step-by-step photos to guide you. From everyday tricks like Sit and Roll Over, to more complex ones like Tidy Up Your Toys and Fetch a Soda from the Fridge, you and your pup are sure to have a blast learning together. This book is perfect for building a stronger bond with your dog, improving their physical and mental health, and even exploring dog sports and therapy work. Plus, discover even more dog training resources from the same author for endless fun and learning opportunities.
Представлено в 33 статьях

Дрессировка без наказания
5 недель, которые сделают вашу собаку лучшей в мире
Ваша собака может стать лучшей в мире всего за 5 недель! И для этого не нужны жесткие методы воспитания, строгий ошейник или клетка для наказаний.
Авторы этой книги знают по своему многолетнему опыту, что отношения с питомцем, основанные на доверии и любви, а не на запугивании и агрессии - надежный способ воспитать самую лучшую в мире собаку.
Дон Сильвия-Стасиевич - профессиональный кинолог с 20-летним стажем. До дрессировки собак семьи Барака Обамы, воспитывала всех щенков сенатора Теда Кеннеди. Ее курс "Поощрительная система дрессировки щенков" очень популярен в разных странах.
Ларри Кей - журналист и писатель из Лос-Анджелеса, редактор журнала "Dog Fancy", автор серии телепрограмм для детей по уходу за собаками.
Всего 10–20 минут практики в день помогут отучить от вредных привычек как щенка, так и взрослую собаку.
В этой книге вы найдете:
– Как отучить собаку прыгать на гостей, тянуть за поводок на прогулке и беспричинно лаять на дверь?
– Как без нервов и стресса обучить питомца основным командам: "сидеть", "стоять", "лежать", "ко мне" и другим.
– Как воспитать собаку так, чтобы она стала комфортной для этого мира и сделать мир комфортным для нее.
– Пошаговые инструкции и закрепляющие домашние задания для достижения эффекта.
Представлено в 31 статье
Рассматривая особенности поведения приматов и псовых, эта книга представляет совершенно новый взгляд на отношения человека и собаки — таких непохожих и в то же время близких биологических видов. Порой нам трудно понять друг друга, а непонимание — причина большинства проблем, возникающих между нами и нашими собаками. «По ту сторону поводка», опираясь на современные научные знания, рассказывает о том, как понять собаку и стать понятным ей.
.Как и люди, собаки получают информацию из окружающего их мира с помощью чувств — в том числе зрения, слуха и обоняния. Собаки чутко воспринимают визуальные сигналы не только сородичей, но и человека: его позы, жесты, движения — язык телодвижений; они внимательно следят за интонацией и темпом нашего голоса. Собаки — жители планеты недоступных человеку запахов, разделяющие нашу страсть к общению и играм. Каждая собака, как и каждый из нас — уникальная личность.
«По ту сторону поводка» учит наблюдать самих себя и наших собак, пользоваться языком тела и голосом. Она знакомит с социальной сущностью собак, вноситкоррективы в прежние представления о связи социального статуса и поведения, рассказывает об эмоциональной жизни, приводя огромное количество примеров, историй и советов, полезных любителям собак, тренерам и зоопсихологам. Эта книга дает знания, необходимые в повседневной жизни для всех тех, кто живет и работает с собаками, стремится к их пониманию и гармонии с ними.
Представлено в 29 статьях
Transform even the most difficult shelter dogs into well-behaved pets in just seven days with Lucky Dog Lessons. This book by celebrity trainer Brandon McMillan shares his expert techniques and playful approach to teaching basic commands like SIT, STAY, and NO, as well as solutions to common behavior problems like chewing and barking. With inspiring stories and easy-to-follow steps, McMillan proves that no dog is beyond saving, offering hope and guidance for any pet owner.
Представлено в 24 статьях
Discover the power of positive dog training with this expert guide from a renowned dog trainer. Learn about interpreting your dog's body language and how to phase out clicker and treat training for more advanced concepts. With a progress diary, treat suggestions, and a glossary of training terms, you'll be on your way to a lifetime of fun, companionship, and respect with your furry friend.
Представлено в 24 статьях
Learn about positive-based dog training and the importance of realistic expectations with this informative guide for trainers and new dog owners. With updated information, the book covers the benefits of positive reinforcement and includes practical examples, such as the difference between "sit" for food and "sit" for company. Despite being twice as long as the original, the book remains easy to read, user-friendly, and affordable. Ideal for positive-based training classes or solo dog owners.
Представлено в 23 статьях

How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend
The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners (Revised & Updated Edition)
Discover the ultimate guide to training your canine companion with this revered classic. Developed by the Monks of New Skete, renowned dog trainers and breeders, this book combines compassion, communication, and practical techniques for understanding and caring for your dog. The fully updated edition covers every aspect of dog ownership, including selecting a breed, obedience training, feeding, grooming, and more. With anecdotes and case studies drawn from the Monks' own experience, this essential guide is unrivaled in its scope and authority.
Представлено в 22 статьях
Potty accidents, jumping, and nipping got you down? In this book, Dr. Sophia Yin provides a week-long positive-reinforcement program designed to turn your furry friend into a polite, well-socialized, and happy companion. With over 400 photos, Dr. Yin takes you through the steps of potty training, socializing, and teaching life skills in a fun, engaging way. Perfect Puppy in 7 Days is not just about teaching your puppy manners, it's a step-by-step recipe for bonding with your puppy and nurturing a lifelong relationship. If you're a puppy parent or canine educator, this book is a must-have.
Представлено в 19 статьях
Before and After Getting Your Puppy by Ian Dunbar
Decoding Your Dog by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists
Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson
Team Dog by Mike Ritland
Не рычите на собаку! Книга о дрессировке людей, животных и самого себя by Karen Pryor
How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves by Sophia Yin Dvm Ms
Puppy Training for Kids by Colleen Pelar
Fired Up, Frantic, and Freaked Out by Laura Vanarendonk Baugh
The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever by Larry Kay
Dog Training for Kids by Vanessa Estrada Marin
Canine Body Language by Brenda Aloff
The Beginner's Guide to Dog Agility by Laurie Leach
Fight! by Jean Donaldson
How to Housebreak Your Dog in 7 Days by Shirlee Kalstone
The Cautious Canine-How to Help Dogs Conquer Their Fears by Patricia B. McConnell
Puppy Training in 7 Easy Steps by Zoom Room Dog Training
Help for Your Fearful Dog by Nicole Wilde
Beyond The Back Yard by Denise Fenzi
The Midnight Dog Walkers by Annie Phenix
Zak George's Guide to a Well-Behaved Dog by Zak George
Mine! A Practical Guide to Resource Guarding in Dogs by Jean Donaldson
Water Dog by Richard Wolters
Behavior Adjustment Training 2.0 by Grisha Stewart
Train Your Dog Positively by Victoria Stilwell
10-Minute Dog Training Games by Kyra Sundance
How to Raise the Perfect Dog by Cesar Millan
Диалог с собаками by Turid Rugaas
When Pigs Fly! by Jane Killion
Control Unleashed by Leslie McDevitt
Click to Calm by Emma Parsons
Plenty in Life Is Free by Kathy Sdao
It's Me or the Dog by Victoria Stilwell
Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs by Malena Demartini-Price
Dog Training For Dummies by Jack Volhard
Reaching the Animal Mind by Karen Pryor
Bones Would Rain from the Sky by Suzanne Clothier
Feisty Fido by Patricia B. McConnell
I'll be Home Soon by Patricia B. McConnell
Barking by Turid Rugaas
Family Friendly Dog Training by Patricia B McConnell
Game Dog by Richard A. Wolters
51 Puppy Tricks by Kyra Sundance
The Puppy Training Handbook by Kaelin Munkelwitz
Gun Dog by Richard A. Wolters
Puppy Start Right by Kenneth M. Martin
The Official Ahimsa Dog Training Manual by Grisha Stewart
From Fearful to Fear Free by Marty Becker Dvm
The Dog Listener by Jan Fennell
The Koehler Method of Dog Training by William R. Koehler
Dog Language by Roger Abrantes
Dog Training 101 by Kyra Sundance
Главная книга "Вожака стаи" by Cesar Millan
The Secret Language of Dogs by Victoria Stilwell
Be the Pack Leader by Cesar Millan
Dog Training Diaries by Tom Shelby
Собака от носа до хвоста by Alexandra Horowitz
Марли и мы by John Grogan
Really reliable recall by Leslie Nelson
The Happy Puppy Handbook by Pippa Mattinson
Total Recall by Pippa Mattinson
Through a Dog's Eyes by Jennifer Arnold
Be Right Back! by Julie Naismith
Navy SEAL Dogs by Mike Ritland
Good Owners, Great Dogs by Brian Kilcommons
Love Has No Age Limit-Welcoming an Adopted Dog into Your Home by Patricia B. McConnell
My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do? by Turid Rugaas
Excel-erated Learning by Pamela J. Reid
Dog Sports Skills, Book 1 by Deborah Jones
Счастливый хвостик by Zazie Todd
Aggression in Dogs by Brenda Aloff
Train Your Dog Like a Pro by Jean Donaldson
Family Dog by Richard A. Wolters
Agility Right from the Start by Eva Bertilsson
Don't Leave Me! Step-by-Step Help for Your Dog's Separation Anxiety by Nicole Wilde
The Canine Kingdom of Scent by Anne Lill Kvam
Through A Dark Silence by Debbie Bauer
Little Dogs by Deborah Wood
How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With by Clarice Rutherford
BKLN Manners by Kate Naito
Better Together by Ken Ramirez
Play Your Way to Good Manners by Kate Naito
How to Train a Puppy by Brandon White
The Best Dog Tricks on the Planet by Babette Haggerty
12 Terrible Dog Training Mistakes Owners Make That Ruin Their Dog's Behavior...And How To Avoid Them by Suzanne Hetts
Puppy Training by Ken Phillips
Puppies For Dummies by Sarah Hodgson
The Dog Whisperer by Paul Owens
Dog Sense by John Bradshaw
Cesar's Way by Cesar Millan
Cesar's Rules by Cesar Millan