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A humorous and engaging picture book that follows the inner dialogue and hilarious actions of a baby learning to use the potty. The story culminates in a joyous and amusing celebration of achievement that is sure to have both parents and children laughing out loud.
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Откажитесь от подгузников! Как приучить ребёнка к горшку за 3 дня
Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right (1) (Oh Crap Parenting)
Скорее всего, вы держите в руках эту книгу по той простой причине, что глубоко в душе знаете: ваш ребенок уже готов учиться обращаться с горшком. Но, возможно, морально не готовы вы сами, потому что не представляете, с чего начать. Эта книга обстоятельно рассматривает мифы, гуляющие вокруг приучения ребенка к горшку, а также все возможные трудности, с которыми вы реально можете столкнуться на практике, и легко предлагает способы преодоления каждой из них. Автор книги уверена: если все делать правильно, то результат вам гарантирован через 3-7 дней! Также вы найдете в ней короткий раздел специально для пап, которого будет достаточно, чтобы в семье царил мир и покой, а центром внимания все так же оставался ребенок, а не горшок. Внимание! Информация, содержащаяся в книге, не может служить заменой консультации врача. Перед совершением любых рекомендуемых действий необходимо проконсультироваться со специалистом.
Представлено в 28 статьях
This children's picture book is a hilarious and educational guide on one of life's most common experiences: pooping. Featuring colorful illustrations and relatable scenarios, "Everyone Poops" is perfect for potty training, gift-giving, and everyday reading for curious young readers. Parents will also enjoy the timeless humor and OMG moments. A must-read for children ages 0 to 3 years old, and a great addition to any baby shower or birthday gift registry.
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This upbeat children's book celebrates potty training with snappy rhymes and vibrant illustrations. The story encourages toddlers to wear "big girl panties" like their moms, making the journey to becoming toilet trained fun and rewarding. The cheerful tone and stylized artwork by Valeria Petrone make Big Girl Panties! a delightful addition to any little girl's bookshelf. Say "bye-bye diapers" and hello to this heartwarming tale!
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Potty Training in 3 Days
The Step-by-Step Plan for a Clean Break from Dirty Diapers
Mastering potty training can be a daunting task for parents. This guide offers an intensive, effective method to train your child in just three days. Written by a nanny who has successfully potty trained over a hundred children, this book offers guidance from before potty training begins to after your child has mastered it. A tried and true technique that will take the guesswork out of potty training for parents.
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Potty training made easy with classic children's books by Alona Frankel. Originally written in 1975 for the author's son, Once Upon a Potty - Boy and Once Upon a Potty - Girl have since sold over four million copies worldwide. These timeless books offer parents a successful way to handle the often difficult task of potty training, while captivating a new generation of readers with their beloved illustrations and words. A must-have for any parent tackling this perpetual challenge.
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Celebrate the milestone of potty training with this charmingly illustrated book! Young Hannah is eager to open a big box, but what's inside surprises her - it's a potty! Follow her playful journey as she learns to transition from diapers to the potty. This gentle and humorous story will entertain young girls while also teaching them about growing up. Perfect for ages 1 and up.
Представлено в 18 статьях
This fun and interactive children's book helps with potty training by showing little ones that all creatures have a place to poop. From tigers to kangaroos, the book reinforces the concept of toilet training while giving children the confidence they need. With playful and humorous illustrations and lift-the-flap pages, your child will love reading Where's the Poop? and will feel empowered to use the toilet just like their animal friends.
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A children's book narrated by a child's point of view, "Potty for Me!" follows a child's journey to learn how to use their new potty. With flaps to lift and engaging illustrations, children will love tagging along and learning all about potty training. Celebrating the successes and teaching that accidents are okay, this book ends with an empowering message: "I'm so proud of me!"
Представлено в 18 статьях
A charming and humorous illustrated book tells the story of Henry's journey to graduate from diapers to using the potty. Little boys will love the pictures and story, while learning that it's time to grow up like Henry. Perfect for parents and toddlers alike who are proud of this important milestone.
Представлено в 16 статьях
Even Firefighters Go to the Potty by Wendy Wax
Stress-Free Potty Training by Sara Au
Time to Pee! by Mo Willems
P is for Potty! by Naomi Kleinberg
Princess Potty by Samantha Berger
Potty Train Your Child in Just One Day by Teri Crane
The First-Time Parent's Guide to Potty Training by Jazmine McCoy
Potty Time! (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Interactive Take-Along Children's Sound Book) by Scarlett Wing, Cottage Door Press
Potty Superhero by Parragon Books
The Potty Train by David Hochman
The Princess and the Potty by Wendy Cheyette Lewison
It Hurts When I Poop! a Story for Children Who Are Scared to Use the Potty by Howard J Bennett
Once Upon a Potty -- Boy by Alona Frankel
Goldilocks and the Just Right Potty by Leigh Hodgkinson
The No-Cry Potty Training Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
Potty Superhero by Parragon Books
Diapers Are Not Forever by Elizabeth Verdick
I Want My Potty by Tony Ross
No More Nappies by Campbell Books
Potty Time with Elmo (Sesame Street) by PI Kids
"Bloop, Bloop!" Goes the Poop by Temara Moore
The Perfect Potty Zoo by Agnes Green
Easy Peasy Potty Training by Julie Schooler
Potty Animals by Hope Vestergaard
Potty Time! by Caroline Jayne
No More Diapers for Ducky! by Bernette Ford
Dinosaur vs. the Potty by Bob Shea
Diaper-Free Before 3 by Jill M. Lekovic
I Use the Potty by Maria van Lieshout
Lulu's Loo by Camilla Reid
Princess Polly's Potty by Andrea Pinnington
Seumas O'Kelly by George Brandon Saul
Everybody Potties by Cheri Vogel, Cottage Door Press
Vegetables in Underwear by Jared Chapman
Big Boy Underpants by Fran Manushkin, Valeria Petrone
Big Girls Use the Potty! by Andrea Pinnington
Pirate Potty by Samantha Berger
Going to the Potty by Fred Rogers
Polar Bear's Underwear by Tupera Tupera
Toilet Awareness by Sarah Moudry
Toilet Time by Janet Hall
Poop! There it is! by Xavier Finkley
My Big Girl Undies by Karen Katz
Toilet Training Without Tantrums by John Rosemond
Ready, Set, Go! by Sarah Ockwell-Smith
Приучение к горшку за 1 день by Nathan Azrin
Even Superheroes Use the Potty by Sara Crow
Макс и горшок by Barbro Lindgren
How to Pee by Todd Spector
I Can't, I Won't, No Way! by Tracey J. Vessillo
Pirate Pete's Potty Sticker Activity Book by Ladybird
Dino Potty by Rainstorm Publishing, Kidsbooks Publishing
We Poop on the Potty! by Little Grasshopper Books, Jim Harbison, Nicole Sulgit, Publications International Ltd., Jean Claude
The New Potty by Mercer Mayer
Where Do You Poop? by Agnese Baruzzi
Potty Superstar by Pat-A-Cake, Fiona Munro
Have You Seen My Potty? by Mij Kelly
The Holy Grail of Potty Training by Tasha Powers, Steven R. Graham
The Complete Guide to Potty Training by Michelle D. Swaney
How to Potty Train Your Monster by Kelly Dipucchio
By Karen Katz - My Big Boy Undies by Karen Katz
The Potty Boot Camp by Suzanne Riffel
Mommy! I Have to Go Potty! by Jan Faull
Toilet Tales by Andrea Wayne von Königslöw
Uh Oh! Gotta Go! by Bob McGrath
Potty Training For Dummies by Diane Stafford
Pirate Pete's Potty by Andrea Pinnington
Princess Potty Time by Sue Dicicco
On Your Potty - Young Bear Bartholomew Finds That Using His Potty Correctly is Sometimes Just a Matter of the Right Timing - Hardcover - First American Edition, 1st Printing 1991 by Virginia Miller