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«Scala. Профессиональное программирование» — главная книга по Scala, популярному языку для платформы Java, в котором сочетаются концепции объектно-ориентированного и функционального программирования, благодаря чему он превращается в уникальное и мощное средство разработки.
Этот авторитетный труд, написанный создателями Scala, поможет вам пошагово изучить язык и идеи, лежащие в его основе.
Данное четвертое издание полностью обновлено. Добавлен материал об изменениях, появившихся в Scala 2.13, в том числе:
• новая иерархия типов коллекций;
• новые конкретные типы коллекций;
• новые методы, добавленные к коллекциям;
• новые способы определять собственные типы коллекций;
• новые упрощенные представления.
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Книга в сжатой форме описывает, что можно делать на языке Scala, и как это делать. Кей Хорстманн (Cay Horstmann), основной автор всемирного бестселлера «Core Java™», дает быстрое и практическое введение в язык программирования, основанное на примерах программного кода. Он знакомит читателя с концепциями языка Scala и приемами программирования небольшими «порциями», что позволяет быстро осваивать их и применять на практике. Практические примеры помогут вам пройти все стадии компетентности, от новичка до эксперта.
Издание предназначено для программистов разной квалификации, как знакомых с языком Scala, так и впервые изучающих языки функционального программирования.
Представлено в 14 статьях
Discover the benefits of functional programming and the Scala language in this comprehensive tutorial. Functional programming emphasizes predictable and reusable code, making it easier to test, parallelize, and debug. Scala offers strong support for FP and its syntax is similar to Java, making it a great language to learn. This tutorial takes readers from basic techniques to advanced topics with clear examples and exercises. Purchase the book and receive a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook, along with all the code needed to get started.
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This comprehensive cookbook provides over 250 ready-to-use recipes and 700 code examples for experienced Scala developers and programmers learning to use this JVM language. Author Alvin Alexander provides real-world solutions for common problems encountered when building object-oriented, functional, and concurrent applications, including functional programming, collections, concurrency, and web services. Whether you're developing highly scalable, component-based applications or simply looking to improve your skills, this book is packed with best practices and tips to save you time and trouble.
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Explore how to integrate Scala effectively into your development process with Scala in Depth. This book presents emerging best practices and designs from the Scala community, guiding you through dozens of powerful techniques with practical examples. Written for readers who already know Java, Scala, or another OO language, this book includes insights from experienced practitioners with little to no heavy-handed theory. Learn concise, expressive, and readable code style, how to integrate Scala into your existing Java projects, the Scala type system, how to use actors for concurrent programming, and more. Bonus: Purchase of the print book includes a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning, along with all code used in the book.
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Learn how to become a productive Scala programmer quickly with "Programming Scala". This comprehensive guide covers modern object modeling, functional programming, and advanced type systems, making it an ideal resource for highly scalable, component-based applications that support concurrency and distribution. With new chapters on pattern matching, comprehensions, and advanced functional programming, this book is packed with code examples that will get experienced developers up to speed on one of today's most exciting languages.
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This comprehensive tutorial, Scala in Action, introduces Scala through clear explanations and numerous hands-on examples. It takes a "how-to" approach, explaining language concepts as you explore familiar programming tasks. You'll learn about Scala's combination of object-orientation and functional programming, while implementing concurrent programming in Akka, working with Scala and Spring, and building DSLs and other productivity tools. This book is accessible to Ruby and Python programmers, and includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats with purchase.
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This guide, perfect for programmers familiar with object-oriented development, is an introduction to Functional Programming with Scala. The book covers the core Scala syntax and its OO models, building familiarity and confidence. Challenging topics, like immutable data and flexible syntax, are introduced later in the book and are demonstrated through coding problems and samples. Designed to address the difficulties of learning Scala, this book is an essential guide for developers looking to explore FP programming.
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"Introduce yourself to the Art of Programming with a cutting-edge language: Scala. This book seamlessly combines the best programming paradigms - procedural, functional, and object-oriented - to give a comprehensive overview of programming logic and core topics of object orientation. Learn how to construct basic data structures, multithreading, networking, GUIs and graphics in programs. Get started on your Scala programming journey today!"
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Scala for Data Science
Leverage the power of Scala with different tools to build scalable, robust data science applications
Discover how Scala can revolutionize your data science projects with this comprehensive guide to building scalable solutions from data ingestion to visualization. Learn how to build functional routines for working with both SQL and NoSQL databases, and explore Apache Spark to develop parallel applications for faster processing. With real-world examples and practical tutorials, this book will help you create robust data pipelines and interactive visualizations using web frameworks - perfect for data scientists and Scala developers ready to take their skills to the next level.
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Scala Design Patterns by Ivan Nikolov
Functional Programming, Simplified by Alvin Alexander
Hands-on Scala Programming by Haoyi Li
Advanced Analytics with Spark by Sandy Ryza
Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala by Mark C. Lewis, Lisa Lacher
Scala for Machine Learning by Patrick R. Nicolas
Scala High Performance Programming by Vincent Theron
System Design by Alex Xu
Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala by Aleksandar Prokopec
Scala for Java Developers by Thomas Alexandre
Scala Puzzlers by Andrew Phillips
Building a Recommendation Engine with Scala by Saleem Ansari
Scala programming by Matthew Gimson