Лучшие книги по техническому анализу
Острые рыночные идеи с лучшими книгами по техническому анализу, рекомендованными и ранжированными по частоте упоминания в ведущих финансовых и инвестиционных блогах. Каждая книга - шаг к освоению графиков и паттернов, определяющих торговые стратегии.
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Японские свечи
Графический анализ финансовых рынков (Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques)
Умение «читать» свечные графики — ценнейший навык для любого человека, торгующего на бирже или на валютном рынке Forex. По форме отдельной свечи, моменту ее возникновения и комбинации, которую она образует с соседними элементами, можно с высокой вероятностью предсказывать дальнейшие движения рынка, выявлять точки разворота трендов, находить подтверждения сигналам других индикаторов, а значит заключать сделки именно тогда, когда это нужно, избегая ошибок. И в этом нет никакой магии — лишь вековые наблюдения за психологией трейдеров. Когда-то Стив Нисон первым в доступной форме и с многочисленными примерами рассказал западному миру о японских свечах.
Представлено в 21 статье
Abhishek Kar
Технический анализ фьючерсных рынков
Теория и практика (Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets
«Технический анализ фьючерсных рынков» — классика литературы для трейдеров. Книга переведена на одиннадцать языков, выдержала множество переизданий и уже более десятка лет является самым популярным базовым пособием по техническому анализу не только фьючерсов, но также акций и других финансовых инструментов.
В настоящем издании подробно и в доступной форме рассматриваются теоретические основы технического анализа и методы его практического применения. Автор, ведущий специалист по техническому анализу с мировым именем, убедительно доказывает необходимость использования технических методов для прогнозирования движения цен и успешных финан
Представлено в 19 статьях
Learn the art and science of technical analysis to better analyze and predict prices of securities, as Jack Schwager demystifies the subject. Discover oscillators, price and time charts, and online charting applications in this comprehensive guide.
Представлено в 14 статьях
This comprehensive book delves into the diverse world of chart patterns, with new performance statistics for both bull and bear markets and 23 new patterns. You'll also discover a section devoted to ten event patterns, including how to trade significant events such as earnings announcements, retail sales, and stock upgrades and downgrades. Written by an experienced technical investor and trader, this must-have reference is filled with hard data and insights that will help you learn and succeed in the world of chart patterns.
Представлено в 13 статьях
Abhishek Kar
How to Make Money in Stocks
A Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Fourth Edition
Learn the secrets to building wealth through investing with this national bestseller. The powerful CAN SLIM(R) Investing System has influenced generations of investors and provides a 7-step process for minimizing risk and maximizing gains. With proven techniques and tips for finding winning stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, this expanded edition also includes 100 new charts to help you spot today's most profitable trends. Avoid the 21 most common investor mistakes with strategies from this classic book.
Представлено в 10 статьях
Steve Burns
Technical Analysis Explained, Fifth Edition
The Successful Investor's Guide to Spotting Investment Trends and Turning Points by Pring, Martin J. (2014) Paperback
Learn how to use technical analysis to forecast future market trends and make profitable investment decisions with this bestselling resource, now in its fifth edition. Professional and individual investors alike have turned to this guide for over 30 years to understand, interpret, and predict significant market moves. This updated edition features new examples, tables, charts, and comments that reflect real-world trading situations. You'll also learn about unique technical indicators, ETF opportunities in international markets, and practical advice for avoiding false signals. With patience and discipline, this book will help you master the art of technical analysis and increase your chances of greater profits.
Представлено в 10 статьях
Discover the secrets to success from the world's top traders in this captivating read. With interviews from Bruce Kovner, Richard Dennis, Paul Tudor Jones, and more, author Jack D. Schwager distills their responses into a set of guiding principles for trading success. Learn the true stories of incredible trading coups, including the trader who turned $30,000 into $80 million and the T-bond futures trader who made $2 billion in a single day. Market Wizards is a must-read for anyone looking to become a trading star.
Представлено в 8 статьях
Get ahead in the world of trading with Technical Analysis Using Multiple Timeframes. Discover how to enter established trends with low risk and high profit potential, and recognize and profit from the cyclical flow of capital through all markets. Learn how to estimate profit potential in a trade, place correct stops to preserve capital and maximize winnings, and control emotional decisions. Gain insights into why fundamental analysis matters and how to avoid brokerage firm tricks. With specific strategies for entering, managing and exiting trades, understanding short squeeze dynamics, and properly analyzing volume and moving averages, this book has everything you need to anticipate price movements and succeed in the trading world.
Представлено в 8 статьях
Discover proven long- and short-term stock trend analysis techniques in this bestselling book. Uncover technical theory such as The Dow Theory, reversal patterns, and consolidation formations. Learn about investment tactics like charting, balancing and diversifying the stock portfolio, and risk management. With updated patterns and charts, this book offers a comprehensive guide to making smart, profitable trading decisions.
Представлено в 8 статьях
Explore unique formulas, key indicators, and practical examples in "Technical Analysis For Dummies, 3rd Edition." This updated guide is essential for navigating today's financial atmosphere, and offers hands-on applications for real-world situations. Don't miss out on the latest insights and strategies for successful technical analysis.
Представлено в 6 статьях
The Art and Science of Technical Analysis by Adam Grimes
Technical Analysis from A to Z by Steven Achelis
By Martin J. Pring - Technical Analysis Explained by Martin J. Pring
Волновой принцип Эллиотта by Robert R Prechter
A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis by Anna Coulling
Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas
Mastering Hurst Cycle Analysis by Christopher Grafton
Technical Analysis by Charles Kirkpatrick II, Julie Dahlquist
Technical Analysis from A to Z, 2nd Edition by Steven B. Achelis
The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators by Robert W. Colby
Forex Trading by Jim Brown
Currency Trading for Dummies by Brian Dolan, Kathleen Brooks
The Definitive Guide to Point and Figure by Jeremy du Plessis
Quantitative Trading Systems by Howard B Bandy
RN Elliott's Masterworks by Ralph Elliott
Ichimoku Charts by Elliott Nicole
Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market by Kathy Lien
21st Century Point and Figure by Jeremy du Plessis
Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional by Constance Brown
Cloud Charts by Mr David Linton
Forecasting Financial Markets by Tony Plummer
Breakthroughs in Technical Analysis by David Keller