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Adam Tooze

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Adam J. Tooze is a British historian who is a Professor at Columbia University and Director of the European Institute. Previously, he was Reader in Twentieth-Century History at the University of Cambridge and Gurnee Hart Fellow in History at Jesus College, Cambridge.
6 книг в списке
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An Introduction to Contemporary History book cover
An Introduction to Contemporary History
Geoffrey Barraclough - 1978-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1964)
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Explore a new kind of history with this thought-provoking read. Discover how contemporary history differs from the modern era, and how recent events have shaped the world we live in today. This book challenges traditional perspectives and encourages a fresh take on the past, reminding us that our understanding of history depends on a broader global perspective.
Adam Tooze
@MWalkerKane Completely agree! Astonishingly prescient book.      источник
Central Banking and Financialization book cover
Central Banking and Financialization
A Romanian Account of how Eastern Europe became Subprime (Studies in Economic Transition)
D. Gabor - 2015-12-11 (впервые опубликовано в 2010)
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"Central Banking and Financialization" explores the vulnerability of Eastern Europe's banking system and the pressures of financialization in money and currency markets. Using Romania as a case study, the book identifies central banks as key institutions in the reconstitution of formerly planned economies. It offers a conceptual approach to the political economy of central banking, making it essential reading for those interested in banking, monetary economics, political economy and development economics.
Adam Tooze
Folks really need to check out @DanielaGabor staggering book on 1990s: Central Banking and Financialization: A Romanian Account of how Eastern Europe became Subprime (Studies in Economic Transition) Mind-blowing.      источник
A Vast Machine book cover
A Vast Machine
Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming (Infrastructures)
Paul N. Edwards - 2010-03-12
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Exploring how knowledge about the earth's climate is gained through data models, "A Vast Machine" by Paul N. Edwards explains how everything we know about global warming is through simulations. Even observations from satellites need data models to become global. This book offers an intriguing history of how scientists measured, traced, and modeled the atmosphere to understand its past and predict its future.
Adam Tooze
@noahsalz Yup. Its an amazing book!      источник
1870/71 book cover
Die Geschichte des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges erzählt in Einzelschicksalen
Tobias Arand - 2019-01-17
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Im Juli 1870 ziehen Hunderttausende in einen Krieg, der die Landkarte Europas verändern wird. Manche von ihnen erwarten ein Abenteuer, andere haben Sorge um ihr Leben oder die Zukunft ihrer Familie, doch die meisten Männer auf beiden Seiten tun einfach nur das, was sie für ihre Pflicht halten....
Adam Tooze
August 1870: first week of Franco-Prussian war dominated by border clashes at Spichern and Wörth. Maps from excellent new book by @dr_arand that tells story of war from perspective of individual participants.      источник
Political Ecology book cover
Political Ecology
A Critical Introduction (Critical Introductions to Geography)
Paul Robbins - 2004-08-09
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Explore the fascinating field of political ecology with this accessible and focused guide. The third edition covers a diversity of topics and arguments while simplifying the discussion to a few core questions. With references to recent work from around the world, it also raises critical questions about traditional environmental approaches. Written in straightforward language, this resource is perfect for academics and undergraduates alike. Discover the role of critical theory in conservation, development, and environmental management, and gain insight into how humans shape and are shaped by the world around us.
Adam Tooze
POLITICAL ecology. The book that accompanied the famous film by the Grzimek, the German father-son team of wildlife campaigners - The Serengeti must not die - had a telling subtitle: "367,000 animals in search of a STATE". Fascinating!      источник
Oil Revolution book cover
Oil Revolution
Anticolonial Elites, Sovereign Rights, and the Economic Culture of Decolonization (Global and International History)
Christopher R. W. Dietrich - 2017-06-14
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Oil Revolution delves into the complex world of anti-colonial oil elites during the age of decolonization. This community of elites spread across multiple countries and transformed the global oil industry through their work in United Nations, Arab League, and OPEC. Author Christopher R. W. Dietrich examines their ambitions and how access to oil played a key role in their success.
Adam Tooze
How Gulf oil state revenue surged in the 1950s following the 50/50 deals of the postwar period. The plateau of the 1960s triggered the frustrations that set up OPEC. Great graphic from @CRWDietrich fascinating book on postcolonial politics & oil, Oil Revolution (2017).      источник