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Albert Mohler

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Richard Albert Mohler Jr. is an American historical theologian, the ninth president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and host of the podcast "The Briefing" where he daily analyzes the news and events from a "Christian worldview."
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Knowing God book cover
Knowing God
J. I. Packer - 1993-06-24 (впервые опубликовано в 1973)
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Discover the wonder and joy of knowing God with this thought-provoking guide. Written by a renowned theologian, it combines knowing about God with developing a close relationship with Jesus Christ. Divided into three sections, the guide explores the reasons for knowing God, his attributes, and the benefits of a close relationship with him. With an engaging and practical tone, this book enriches the Christian understanding of God and offers advice on how to form a deeper connection with him. Christianity Today voted it one of the top 50 books that shaped evangelicals, and this updated edition features Americanized language and a new preface by the author.
Albert Mohler
I just heard the news of the death of Dr. J. I. Packer, 1926-2020, one of the most important figures in English-speaking evangelicalism. His book, “Knowing God,” came to me as a lifeline when I was an 18-year-old Christian. He introduced me to the Puritans and far more. 1/5      источник
Baptists and the Bible book cover
Baptists and the Bible
L. Russ Bush - 1999-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1980)
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This book delves into the history of modern Baptists, specifically their bibliology in England and America during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. It also explores the present-day uncertainties in this field, with a focus on the Southern and Northern Baptist Conventions. Perfect for divinity students and researchers, as well as anyone interested in Baptist history.
Albert Mohler
This is one of the most important books in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention, defining our commitment to the inerrancy, verbal inspiration, and infallibility of the Scriptures. Thanks to @adamgreenway and @swbts for this beautiful anniversary edition.      источник