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Alice Walker

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Alice Walker is a novelist, short story writer, poet, and social activist. In 1982, she wrote the novel The Color Purple, for which she won the National Book Award for hardcover fiction, and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
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Путешествия Гулливера book cover
Путешествия Гулливера
Jonathan Swift - 2017-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1726)
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Гулливер... такой знакомый и такой любимый! И в то же время благодаря множеству прекрасных иллюстраций какой-то новый. Талантливой молодой художнице удалось очень тонко почувствовать эпоху и атмосферу сказки, поэтому иллюстрации получились достойными замечательного произведения. Для младшего и среднего школьного возраста. Цветные иллюстрации Ольги Подивиловой. Пересказ Тамары Габбе. Выдающееся произведение мировой литературы принадлежит перу английского писателя Джонатана Свифта (1667-1745). В своем фантастическом повествовании о путешествиях Гулливера в разные выдуманные страны Свифт высмеивает государственный строй и общественные порядки современной ему Англии, выступает непримиримым врагом лживости, лицемерия и тирании. Увы, мироустройство и людские нравы во все времена почти не меняются, поэтому роман "Путешествия Гулливера" и сегодня актуален для любой страны, в том числе и для нашей.
Alice Walker
I was 11 when I read it and it encouraged me to believe the world was large, fascinating, and with incredibly interesting creatures in it! And I have discovered this to be true! So when I fall in love, for instance, it is never an impediment that the object of my affections might be, or seem to others to be, odd.      источник
The Coming book cover
The Coming
Daniel Black - 2015-10-06
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"The Coming" is a powerful and haunting novel that tells the story of a people's capture and enslavement across the Middle Passage. It exposes the strength and beauty of the African spirit amidst extreme conditions, and shows how losing everything can lead to extraordinary insight. This lyrical and poetic book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deep and thought-provoking exploration of the human experience.
Alice Walker
In Daniel Black’s extraordinary book “The Coming,” we have an unprecedented opportunity to be with ancestors who probably never dreamed a scribe would one day appear to make their descendants not only imagine their plight but also, by being brought to tears by the narrative, gain access to an emotion that makes us one with them. Shamanic work.      источник
Who Asked You? book cover
Who Asked You?
Terry McMillan - 2013-09-17
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"Who Asked You?" by Terry McMillan is a powerful novel that explores the struggles of one woman named BJ, who is left to take care of her grandchildren when her daughter disappears. Amidst dealing with her own postponed dreams, an ill husband, and other adult children, BJ faces even more challenges as she tries to hold her family together. This touching story delves into the themes of family, sacrifice, and unconditional love in the face of adversity.
Alice Walker
This novel is a rich celebration of mothers who have, in the age of crack cocaine, been forced to raise their own grandchildren, having lost their daughters to the epidemic. It is word perfect, sometimes hilarious, always honest to the life of its characters and to “ghetto” society. I don’t understand the title of the book or the book jacket art, but the book itself is essential reading for these and future times. I recommend audio for a captivating listening experience.      источник
Mom & Me & Mom book cover
Mom & Me & Mom
Maya Angelou - 2013-04-02
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"Mom & Me & Mom" is a heartwarming memoir that chronicles Maya Angelou's complex relationship with her mother, Vivian Baxter. Despite being sent away at the young age of three, Angelou discovers the immense strength and love that her mother possesses. This intimate account delves into the rich, rewarding, and sometimes tumultuous moments that defined their relationship, ultimately leading to an unbreakable bond. Discover the profound story of a mother and daughter's journey towards love and healing in "Mom & Me & Mom".
Alice Walker
This is my favorite Angelou book. It is revelatory about a life of high adventure with her completely tough, gun-toting, charming, fearless and seductive mother.      источник
Emma WatsonBianca Belair
Perfect Peace book cover
Perfect Peace
Daniel Black - 2010-03-16
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A southern family grapples with their mother's decision to raise her newborn son as a girl in Perfect Peace. When Perfect turns eight, she learns the truth and her life becomes a kaleidoscope of events. The Peace family must confront their beliefs about gender, sexuality, and unconditional love in this heartbreaking portrait.
Alice Walker
I am rereading this incredible novel about a young boy in the Deep South who was raised until he was 8 as if he were a girl. A fantastic investigation of gender issues, large and small. Audio is ideal for this book, especially for readers who did not grow up in the South.      источник
The Road of Lost Innocence book cover
The Road of Lost Innocence
The Story of a Cambodian Heroine (Random House Reader's Circle)
Somaly Mam - 2008-09-09 (впервые опубликовано в 2005)
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A powerful memoir of tragedy and hope by a woman named one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. Somaly Mam recounts her experiences as a young girl who was sold into sexual slavery by her own grandfather, enduring unspeakable acts of brutality for a decade until she escaped. Unable to forget the girls she left behind, Mam became a fierce leader in the fight against human trafficking, rescuing sex workers and leading them into new, better lives. Written in exquisite, unflinching prose, this memoir is a testament to the courage and strength of an extraordinary woman and the power of an individual to bring about change.
Alice Walker
I couldn’t sleep after reading this book. I felt a duty to read it, however, and others like it, to know without forgetting, that for countries devastated by war, often wars “we” cause, or extend by carpet bombing or laying of land mines, the suffering, usually for the most vulnerable, never ends.      источник
And the Truth Shall Set You Free book cover
And the Truth Shall Set You Free
The 21st Century Edition
David Icke - 1997-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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Discover the intricate web of manipulation behind global events in this eye-opening book. The author exposes the truth about the few people, secret societies, and organizations who control the direction of our lives and shape the future of human existence. Don't miss out on this essential read for anyone seeking to understand the world we live in.
Alice Walker
In Icke’s books there is the whole of existence, on this planet and several others, to think about. A curious person’s dream come true.      источник
Фунты лиха в Париже и Лондоне book cover
Фунты лиха в Париже и Лондоне
George Orwell - 1972-03-15 (впервые опубликовано в 1933)
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"На Рождество 1932 года Эрик Артур Блэйр привез родителям стопку пробных экземпляров своей первой книги "Фунты лиха в Париже и Лондоне". Прочтя написанную вольным, разговорным языком хронику скитаний по дну двух европейских столиц, мать чопорно резюмировала: "Это не Эрик". Миссис Блэйр была права; автором значился новый, никому еще не известный писатель - Джордж Оруэлл. Это потом, намного позже, его имя прогремит по всему миру, станет символом свободомыслия и будет ассоциироваться с двумя великими произведениями ХХ века: повестью-притчей "Скотское хозяйство" (1945) и романом-антиутопией "1984" (1949). А в 1933 году после выхода в свет повести "Фунты лиха в Париже и Лондоне" в литературных кругах впервые заговорили о новом самобытном писателе. И уже в первом крупном произведении Оруэлла проявились основные особенности его писательской манеры и стиля, для которых столь характерны внимание к языку, простота, достоверность и точность и которые, по выражению Т.С.Элиота, отличает "коренная честная прямота". Дебютная, во многом автобиографичная, повесть полна юмора, легка, динамична и остроумна. Не случайно многие поклонники творчества Оруэлла называют "Фунты лиха в Париже и Лондоне" своим любимейшим произведением. Эта книга - всего лишь яркий эпизод из большого репортажа Жизни, эпизод, вызывающий одновременно невольную усмешку и восхищение.
Alice Walker
“Down and Out” is hilarious, with a humor quite unexpected in the otherwise seemingly somber Brother Blair. I listen to it often (a couple of places are dated and I have to skip) when I want to laugh.      источник