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Andrew Price

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Andrew Price is famous with his blog Blender Guru on Youtube, the free video tutorials for the open source 3D software, Blender. His goal is to help artists create better artwork with Blender. He is also the founder and CEO of Poliigon.
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Неизбежно book cover
12 технологических трендов, которые определяют наше будущее
Kevin Kelly - 2016-06-07
Рейтинг Goodreads
Многое из того, что произойдет в ближайшие 30 лет, неизбежно и предопределено сегодняшними технологическими трендами. Кевин Келли, один из ведущих мыслителей современности, показывает, как сегодняшние изменения, не всегда заметные, в итоге перевернут мир. В книге описано 12 трендов, которые дополняют друг друга, усиливаются и неумолимо меняют общество, политику, экономику, принципы взаимодействия и само человеческое мышление. Все это можно обратить себе на пользу, но только если понимать происходящее уже сейчас. Книга Кевина Келли будет полезна всем, кто хочет найти верное направление — для бизнеса, учебы, жизни в целом — и понимать, куда инвестировать, чему учи
Andrew Price
@skidmorep @kevin2kelly Yeah that’s a great book. Kevin made some surprisingly accurate predictions.      источник
Derek SiversMarc Goodman
Anatomy for Sculptors Understanding the Human Figure book cover
Anatomy for Sculptors Understanding the Human Figure
Uldis Zarins With Sandis Kondrats - 2014-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Anatomy for Sculptors is the ultimate guide to comprehending the human figure for art students, 3D sculptors, and illustrators. With its over 500 illustrations, this 226-page manual provides a straightforward and visually engaging explanation of the human anatomy, offering practical foundations for confident drawing and sculpting. Inside this guide, you'll discover keys to construction and various tutorials, along with detailed, explicit knowledge about the most important muscles, functions, and actions of the human body. Get ready to build your knowledge of anatomy and easily create stunning art with Anatomy for Sculptors.
Andrew Price
@zed_hunt0808 That book is definitely the best resource I've ever seen! I screenshotted the most useful bits and keep it open in pureref.      источник
12 правил жизни book cover
12 правил жизни
противоядие от хаоса
Jordan B. Peterson - 2018-01-23
Рейтинг Goodreads
What does everyone in the modern world need to know? Renowned psychologist Jordan B. Peterson's answer to this most difficult of questions uniquely combines the hard-won truths of ancient tradition with the stunning revelations of cutting-edge scientific research. Humorous, surprising, and informative, Dr. Peterson tells us why skateboarding boys and girls must be left alone, what terrible fate awaits those who criticize too easily, and why you should always pet a cat when you meet one on the street. What does the nervous system of the lowly lobster have to tell us about standing up straight (with our shoulders back) and about success in life? Why did ancient Egyptians worship the capacity to pay careful attention as the highest of gods? What dreadful paths do people tread when they become resentful, arrogant, and vengeful? Dr. Peterson journeys broadly, discussing discipline, freedom, adventure, and responsibility, distilling the world's wisdom into 12 practical and profound rules for life. 12 Rules for Life shatters the modern commonplaces of science, faith, and human nature while transforming and ennobling the mind and spirit of its listeners.
Andrew Price
@stewheckenberg @jordanbpeterson Thanks mate. I almost wish the book was published under a different author so more people would give it a chance. It’s really one of the best “how to fix your life” books around.      источник
The Mad Art of Caricature! book cover
The Mad Art of Caricature!
A Serious Guide to Drawing Funny Faces
Tom Richmond - 2011-10-31
Рейтинг Goodreads
Learn the art of caricature from award-winning caricaturist and illustrator Tom Richmond in The Mad Art of Caricature! With over 25 years of experience, Tom shares his secrets to creating successful caricatures by examining what makes them work and how to draw them. Loaded with tips, tricks, and over 500 illustrations, this comprehensive guide is perfect for novices and experts looking to improve their skills in live drawing, theme-park-style caricatures, or creating caricatures for publication work.
Andrew Price
@andiroo42 Yep this is a great book! I've been following along for past couple of weeks.      источник