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Anjali Bhimani

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Anjali Bhimani is an American stage, film, television and voice actress, who has appeared on various television shows. In 2016, she began voicing the character Symmetra, seen in the video game Overwatch.
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Северное сияние book cover
Северное сияние
Philip Pullman - 1996-04-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1995)
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Роман "Северное сияние" вошел в список ста лучших романов всех времен, составленный в 2003 году газетой The Observer. Отличный приключенческий сюжет, яркость, богатство и новизна описываемого автором мира, сочетание науки, магии и философии, непревзойденное мастерство автора сделало эту книгу ярким событием в мире литературы! ...Поиски пропавшего друга приводят Лиру и ее деймона Пантелеймона на далекий Север, где на ледовых просторах царят бронированные медведи, а в морозном небе летают ведьмы. И где ученые проводят эксперименты, о которых даже говорить страшно. Лире предназначено судьбой не только одолеть великое зло, но и попытаться найти источник темных замыслов. Возможно, для этого ей придется оказаться по ту сторону Северного Сияния…
Anjali Bhimani
FINALLY almost caught up on @daemonsanddust and just like when I was reading the #HisDarkMaterials books I don't want it to end (thankfully we have a while I think). Wish I'd been tweeting this adventure while watching it...but so many thoughts! So inspired all over again.      источник
The Sleep Revolution book cover
The Sleep Revolution
Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time
Arianna Huffington - 2016-04-05
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The Sleep Revolution is a groundbreaking investigation of the power of sleep by Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post. Arianna argues that we are experiencing a sleep deprivation crisis that is impacting our health, relationships, and job performance. She delves into the history and science of sleep, exploring the role of dreams, sleep deprivation, and the latest research on the link between sleep and chronic diseases. In this life-changing book, Arianna also provides practical tips on how to get restorative sleep and encourages a cultural shift that prioritizes sleep as essential for our well-being.
Anjali Bhimani
#AwesomeAugust Day 8! Ahhhh, sleep...that magical elixir. Here’s why I love it, and a couple things I do to improve it. Learn more ways to do that from @ariannahuff ‘s book, The Sleep Revolution! Link in thread below as well as a link to my full video on IGTV! #sleep #wellness      источник
Karlie Kloss
Overwatch book cover
The Official Cookbook
Chelsea Monroe-Cassel - 2019-10-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the world of Overwatch through its cuisine with The Official Cookbook. This mouthwatering cookbook boasts over 90 recipes from the game's diverse heroes, all inspired by their homelands. With step-by-step instructions, full-color photos, and pairing suggestions, this cookbook is perfect for gamers and foodies alike. Indulge in international dishes as you explore the universe of Overwatch.
Anjali Bhimani
@westofhouse It’s such a great book, I’m paralyzed by indecision what recipe to make first!!!      источник