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Asher Wolf

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Asher Wolf is a crowd-funded, Amnesty-award winning journalist. She is the founder of Cryptoparty, a decentralised world-wide movement teaching people skills to improve security and privacy. In 2013 she was named by Foreign Policy's 'Top 100 Twitterati' as a "Tart-tongued Aussie information activist.”
2 книг в списке
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Океан в конце дороги book cover
Океан в конце дороги
A Novel
Neil Gaiman - 2014-06-03 (впервые опубликовано в 2013)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Блестяще рассказанная история одинокого книжного мальчика, имени которого читатель так и не узнает, но в котором безошибочно угадываются черты самого Нила Геймана. Прогулка по фермам Сассекса приводит героя к дому древних богов, играющих в людей, и с этой минуты ткань привычного мира рвется и выворачивается наизнанку, а в прореху пролезают существа иномирья - такие странные и страшные, что их невозможно помыслить.
Asher Wolf
@trib I love that book. So much.      источник
Tanya BurrAmanda PalmerZoe Keating
Mothers and Others book cover
Mothers and Others
The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy - 2009-04-30
Рейтинг Goodreads
This book explores the unique ways in which human emotional evolution has been shaped by the primatologically unique length of human childhood. Starting somewhere in Africa more than a million years ago, we discover how new forms of care for offspring led to new ways of engaging with and understanding each other. Ultimately, the anthropological research shows that it takes an entire village to raise a child and how this gave our ancestors the first push towards becoming emotionally modern humans. This well-researched and compelling book is an intricate argument that sheds light on the origins of human capacity for empathy and understanding.
Asher Wolf
Anyway, this was a lovely book to read: 'Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding' by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy      источник