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Read This Twice

Bernie Hollywood

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This is Your Moment book cover
This is Your Moment
Find and Follow Your Unique Path in Life and Your Business
Andy Woodfield - 2021-09-09
Рейтинг Goodreads
"Streamline your career and business with this practical guide that helps you simplify your life and make your dreams a reality. Whether you're at a crossroads in your career or seeking a fresh start, this easy-to-read book will prepare and sustain you on the path to success. Take control of your future and make this your moment."
Bernie Hollywood
Couldn’t recommend @andy_woodfield book enough, it’s a must read!      источник
Bernie and Boatie book cover
Bernie and Boatie
Natalie Reeves Billing - 2021-01-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
December 2022 sees Bernie Hollywood OBE cross the Atlantic alone on an epic 3000-mile they in a small rowing boat bearing the artwork of renowned mural artists, Justin Eagle ton and the talented children of the UK. Bernie will experience great physical and mental hardships, and must overcome them in order to reach the other side....
Bernie Hollywood
‘Thank you’ @BillingReeves for this wonderful enchanting children’s book, it’s had an incredible impact on the children & parents that have read it. You’re giving support & hope to all that read this story.      источник
The Promise of a Pencil book cover
The Promise of a Pencil
How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change
Adam Braun - 2014-03-18
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover how to lead a successful and significant life through the inspiring journey of a young man who built over 250 schools around the world. This bestselling book follows his path from a Wall Street career to founding Pencils of Promise with just $25. Learn from his experiences and take clear steps to turn your biggest ambitions into reality. This critically acclaimed bestseller is perfect for anyone seeking direction and purpose. Plus, all proceeds from the book support Pencils of Promise.
Bernie Hollywood
Happy #WorldBookDay2020 here’s my number one book choice: #ThePromiseOfAPencil by the author @AdamBraun that is a must read if you wish to be truly inspired. It’s a true story that shares the essential lessons to creating a life of meaning, passion, and purpose. RT      источник
Ellen DeGeneres