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Chris Dixon

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Chris Dixon is an American internet entrepreneur and investor. He is a general partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, and previously worked at eBay. He is also the co-founder and former CEO of Hunch, a website.
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Syntax & Sage book cover
Syntax & Sage
Reflections on Software and Nature
Sep Kamvar - 2016-01-01
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Explore the fascinating interplay between nature, software, art, and urban design in this thought-provoking book. Discover how software impacts the world, and in turn, how people influence technology. With a unique perspective on the relationship between humans and software, Syntax & Sage is a must-read for anyone interested in the way technology transforms our daily lives.
Chris Dixon
His book, Syntax & Sage, is an encapsulation of the technical philosophy that underpins his approach to protocol design.      источник
The Company book cover
The Company
A Short History of a Revolutionary Idea (Modern Library Chronicles)
John Micklethwait - 2005-01-11 (впервые опубликовано в 2003)
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Explore the power and influence of companies in modern society with this groundbreaking book. Written by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, it charts the rise of companies as one of history's greatest catalysts for good and evil. Discover how innovations such as limitations on liability have allowed companies to rival religions and states, controlling wealth and human affairs with surprising exemption from governing rules. A "fast-paced and well-written" work, this book offers rare insight into the past four centuries and helps make sense of today's world.
Chris Dixon
@natemodi @sriramk @avichal @GoodTimeShowCH Yes! best book about DAOs :)      источник
Patrick O'ShaughnessySriram Krishnan
Consciousness Explained book cover
Consciousness Explained
Daniel C. Dennett - 1991-01-01
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This groundbreaking book tackles the topic of human consciousness in a whole new way. Renowned author Daniel Dennett presents a new model of consciousness, based on insights from neuroscience, psychology, and artificial intelligence. Explore the transformative perspectives on conscious life for humans, animals, and even robots.
Chris Dixon
@fredericrenken @danieldennett one of my favorite books too      источник
Why Does College Cost So Much? book cover
Why Does College Cost So Much?
Robert B. Archibald - 2010-11-17
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This book looks at the rising cost of college education in the US and challenges the common belief that it's due to dysfunctional behavior in the industry. Instead, the authors argue that it's a result of economic growth and changing wage structures. While acknowledging the problem of affordability, they explore policies that can preserve the quality of education while increasing access for all.
Chris Dixon
@jess @sacca excellent book on root cause of problem      источник