Chris Sacca
Рекомендованные Книги
Christopher Sacca is an American venture investor, company advisor, entrepreneur, and lawyer. He is the proprietor of Lowercase Capital, a venture capital fund in the United States that has invested in seed and early-stage technology companies such as Twitter, Uber, Instagram, Twilio, and Kickstarter, investments that resulted in his placement as No. 2 on Forbes' Midas List: Top Tech Investors for 2017.
19 книг в списке
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The Rise of the Rest
How Entrepreneurs in Surprising Places are Building the New American Dream
Discover how entrepreneurs across America are creating groundbreaking companies, renewing communities, and bringing people together around a shared future. Steve Case, co-founder of America Online, takes readers on an exhilarating journey into the startup communities that are transforming cities nationwide in his #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling book. He introduces us to dozens of inspiring entrepreneurs whose stories of struggle and achievement match the most iconic examples of American invention. With dedicated venture funds backed by an iconic group of investors, Rise of the Rest also invests in the most promising high-growth startups located anywhere in the US outside of Silicon Valley, New York City, and Boston. This book provides a hopeful perspective on the future of America and will inspire readers to reimagine the American landscape.
Chris Sacca
2022-09-27T16:18:41.000ZThis book explores the struggles of eight families in Milwaukee as they fight to keep a roof over their heads. Evicted provides a powerful perspective on poverty and economic exploitation while presenting new solutions to one of America's most pressing issues. With unforgettable scenes of both hope and loss, it serves as a reminder of the importance of having a home.
A decade in the making, this book dives into the life and work of one of the greatest poets and rappers of our time. From hustling to politics, Michael Eric Dyson highlights the important themes of Jay-Z's career and the impact he's had on Black wealth, social injustice, and more. As he celebrates thirty years in the music industry, explore Jay-Z's America and his power to shape the way we think with a foreword by Pharrell.
Chris Sacca
Красный циркуляр
Правдивая история о больших деньгах, убийстве, борьбе за cправедливость и о том, как я стал личным врагом Путина
Ноябрь 2009 года. В одиночной, промозглой камере московского изолятора, было обнаружено истерзанное побоями восьми охранников, бездыханное тело, тяжело больного юриста - Сергея Магнитского. В чем было его преступление? - Разоблачение коррумпированных должностных лиц МВД, причастных к хищению из российского бюджета 230 миллионов долларов налогов, уплаченных ранее одним из самых успешных в мире инвестиционных фондов. И по сей день виновные в этом жестоком убийстве остаются безнаказанными. Последующий постыдный посмертный судебный процесс над юристом воспринят международным сообществом как акт средневекового мракобесия путинского режима.
Красный циркуляр – книга разоблачение масштабного сокрытия правды и следов совершенных преступлений российской властью в отношении Сергея Магнитского – его незаконный арест и убийство - проникает глубоко в Кремль, вскрывая неприглядную правду о режиме. Билл Браудер – инвестиционный управляющий и клиент Магнитского – погружает нас в головокружительный мир финансов Нью-Йорка и Лондона 90-х годов, его схватку с российскими олигархами в постсоветской Москве и последующее выдворение из России по указанию Путина (Кремля).
Автору удается на фактах показать сращивание российской власти с криминалом, где грани настолько размыты, что уже невозможно отличить одного от другого. Под влиянием произошедшего мы наблюдает трансформацию человека (автора) из финансиста в правозащитника, ведущего кампанию за установление справедливости в отношении своего покойного адвоката и друга. Красный циркуляр – нещадно оголяет то, от чего страдает сегодняшняя Россия - взяточничество, коррупция, мошенничество, пытки и убийство каждого, кто оказался на пути развратной власти. Книга шокирует нас откровениями о политических механизмах работы в высших эшелонах власти на Западе.
Chris Sacca
2019-12-20T22:25:51.000ZA hilarious and candid collection of conversations with the biggest names in comedy over the past thirty years. Judd Apatow, the filmmaker and comedy nerd gathers insights and back-of-the-club stories from legends, contemporaries, and the brightest stars in comedy today. Loaded with insights on creativity, ambition, and the joy of making people laugh, Sick in the Head is a must-read for any comedy geek.
Chris Sacca
Brendan SchaubIn "Impeach," Supreme Court lawyer and former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal argues that President Trump's repeated requests for foreign powers to interfere in the 2020 election threaten the very foundations of democracy. Katyal maintains that impeachment is the last resort left to hold the President accountable for these actions, and one that our Constitution demands. If we fail to act, we risk compromising the core values that make America what it is.
Chris Sacca
2019-12-02T16:18:28.000ZThis book is an intimate portrait of the legendary stand-up comic and trailblazer in the comedy world, Garry Shandling. Written by Judd Apatow, the book includes never-before-seen journal entries and photos, as well as new contributions by fellow comedians and writers. Through personal anecdotes and deep spiritual inquiry, the book sheds new light on every facet of Shandling's life and work. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the art of comedy and the lasting impact of a true icon.
Chris Sacca
2019-11-15T17:00:28.000ZDiscover a thought-provoking collection of artwork that celebrates the unique aspects of America. What Really Makes America Great is a book that features the art of myriad artists sharing their perspectives on what makes America truly great. From religious freedom to immigration, energy solutions to bourbon, this book explores a variety of subjects through vivid art and engaging artist statements. With a thought-provoking foreword by Steven Heller, this book offers a unique perspective on what truly makes America great.
Chris Sacca
Ninety Percent of Everything
Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Puts Clothes on Your Back, Gas in Your Car, and Food on Your Plate
Explore the fascinating yet overlooked world of freight shipping with this eye-opening book. The author takes readers on a journey from Rotterdam to Suez to Singapore, delving into the complex and shady practices of the industry. Discover the vital role shipping plays in our everyday lives and the harm it can cause to endangered species. An informative and entertaining must-read that sheds light on the unseen systems that keep our world moving.
Chris Sacca
2018-05-06T21:30:25.000ZRedefining Girly by Melissa Atkins Wardy
Психология денег by Morgan Housel
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat
The Gutsy Girl by Caroline Paul
The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide To Becoming A Whiskey Know-It-All by Richard Betts, Crystal English Sacca, Wendy MacNaughton
How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia by Mohsin Hamid
Привлечение инвестиций в стартап by Brad Feld
Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein
Not Fade Away by Laurence Shames
I Seem to Be a Verb by R. Buckminster Fuller