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Read This Twice

Dan Ariely

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Dan Ariely is an Israeli-American professor and author. He serves as a James B. Duke Professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University.
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Messy book cover
The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives
Tim Harford - 2016-10-04
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Embrace the creative benefits of disorganization, improvisation, and confusion with this eye-opening adventure in the life-changing magic of not tidying up. Tim Harford reveals that qualities like responsiveness, resilience, and creativity cannot be disentangled from the messy soil that produces them. He makes a compelling case against the excessive need for tidiness in our lives, both personal and professional. Rediscover the benefits of being messy and unleash your true potential.
Dan Ariely
One of my favorite thinkers, Tim Harford, has a new fantastic book out:      источник
Steven Johnson