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Dan Carlin

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Dan Carlin is an American political commentator, actor and podcaster. Once a professional radio host, Carlin eventually took his show to the Internet, and he now hosts three popular independent podcasts: Hardcore History, Hardcore History: Addendum, and Common Sense.
10 книг в списке
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The Wizards of Armageddon book cover
The Wizards of Armageddon
Fred Kaplan - 1991-08-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1983)
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Discover the untold story of the small group of strategists who shaped American nuclear policies in The Wizards of Armageddon. This book explores the secret world of these men and their plans for using the Bomb, shining a light on a chapter in history never before revealed.
Dan Carlin
It’s great. Also check out his other fantastic book “The Wizards of Armageddon” which details the attempts to get great intelligences together to try to formulate how to deal with these unbelievably powerful weapons. @fmkaplan      источник
Thunder Go North book cover
Thunder Go North
The Hunt for Sir Francis Drake's Fair and Good Bay
Melissa Darby - 2019-10-14
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Explore the mysteries surrounding Francis Drake's famous voyage and summer sojourn in a new book. From his perilous journey to the discovery of a "Fair and Good Bay," the author dives into the comparisons between Drake's observations and early anthropological findings to present evidence that Drake actually landed on the Oregon coast, not California. With an engaging narrative, uncover the details of a 20th-century hoax that succeeded in silencing contrary evidence and calls for history to be rewritten.
Dan Carlin
Anthropologist Melissa Darby’s book “Thunder Go North” is a must for anyone into Sir Francis Drake (and who has doubts about the traditional narrative of where he landed on the North American West Coast). Did he land in Oregon?      источник
The Arc of Boxing book cover
The Arc of Boxing
The Rise and Decline of the Sweet Science
Mike Silver - 2008-10-16
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"The Arc of Boxing" explores the question of whether today's boxers are better than their predecessors. Boxing historians and experts discuss the socioeconomic and demographic changes that have impacted the sport's quality, popularity, and prominence over the past century. From the decline in fights to the deterioration of boxers' skills, this book analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of today's superstars, comparing them to past legends like Joe Louis and Sugar Ray Robinson.
Dan Carlin
@D555555D I should've known this would provide some fun conversation!😂 I already answered someone else in a little more depth so I'm just gonna post this wonderful book on the subject.      источник
Буря перед бурей book cover
Буря перед бурей
История падения Римской республики
Mike Duncan - 2017-10-24
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В книге "Буря перед бурей" Майк Дункан мастерски описывает события в Римской республике между 146–78 гг. до н. э., оживляя кровавые битвы, политические махинации и человеческую драму, которые подготовили почву для падения великой империи. Римская республика была одним из самых выдающихся достижений в истории цивилизации. Начав с небольшого города-государства в центральной Италии, Рим постепенно занял большие территориальные владения в Европе и Средиземноморье, наполненные мелкими тиранами, варварскими вождями и деспотическими царями. На протяжении веков римская модель правления оставалась удивительно прочной и не имеющей себе равных в истории Древнего мира.
Dan Carlin
@ironlordthemad @greg_scotland @mikeduncan it's a good book! You should pick it up.      источник
David Priess
The Hard Stuff book cover
The Hard Stuff
Dope, Crime, the MC5, and My Life of Impossibilities
Wayne Kramer - 2018-08-14
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This memoir tells the story of legendary guitarist Wayne Kramer and his journey as the cofounder of Detroit proto-punk band The MC5. The band was a reflection of a chaotic and exciting time, touring the country and playing with music legends. Despite recording three major label albums, their time in the spotlight was short-lived. Kramer's story is a deeply personal struggle of an addict and an artist, a rebel with a great tale to tell. From the glory days of Detroit to the junk-sick streets of the East Village, and beyond, his journeyman narrative reminds us that revolution is always an option.
Dan Carlin
@crumlett @nocomply_larry I'm an MC5 fan too. Enjoyed Wayne Kramer's book (and finished re-reading it just last week...)      источник
Aftermath book cover
The Remnants of War
Donovan Webster - 1998-05-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1996)
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Explore the haunting aftermath of wars with Aftermath. This book offers riveting and revelatory insights into how battlefields have transformed into landscapes of memory and terror. From the farmlands of France still littered with undetonated bombs and mines from WWI, to the endless field of bones near Stalingrad, and the destructive effects of America's hidden nuclear war on its own soil, Aftermath delves deep into the psychological and genetic devastation left in the wake of war. This eye-opening read excavates our darkest history, revealing that destruction of the past remains inextricably embedded in the present.
Dan Carlin
@FlashCadillac I loved that book.      источник
Inside the Third Reich book cover
Inside the Third Reich
Albert Speer - 1997-04-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1969)
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An insider's perspective of the Nazi state. This memoir, written by Hitler's Minister of Armaments and War Production, provides a complete view of life inside Third Reich. The author, who kept Germany armed and the war machine running, offers invaluable insights into the workings of the Nazi state. The book includes B&W photos.
Dan Carlin
Isn't that book amazing? Hard to filter out the "Speer as the good Nazi" aspect of it though. You just have to be suspicious the whole time and take the revelations where you can find them.      источник
В стальных грозах book cover
В стальных грозах
(Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Ernst Junger - 2004-08-03 (впервые опубликовано в 1920)
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"Цель этой книги - дать читателю точную картину тех переживаний, которые пехотинец - стрелок и командир - испытывает, находясь в знаменитом полку, и тех мыслей, которые при этом посещают его. Книга возникла из дневниковых записей, отлитых в форме воспоминаний. Я старался записывать непосредственные впечатления, ибо заметил, как быстро они стираются в памяти, по прошествии нескольких дней, принимая уже совершенно иную окраску. Я потратил немало сил, чтобы исписать пачку записных книжек… и не жалею об этом. Я не военный корреспондент и не предлагаю коллекции героев; мое намерение - не живопись, как это могло быть, но описывать все так, как это было в действительности". , - из предисловия Э.Юнгера к 1-му изданию "В стальных грозах".
Dan Carlin
@Tony2pointO Has he read "Storm of Steel" By Ernst Junger? It's not very pricy though...you might look a bit cheap (but it's an awesome read).      источник
With the Old Breed book cover
With the Old Breed
At Peleliu and Okinawa
E. B. Sledge - 1990-10-25 (впервые опубликовано в 1981)
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This powerful memoir follows the firsthand experience of a Marine in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. Based on notes kept secretly in a copy of the New Testament, the author captures the intensity and danger of war with unwavering honesty. Gain insight into the transformative experiences that shaped the author's emotions, mindset, and understanding of humanity.
Dan Carlin
@ferdia440 @BrunoLlorente2 @lotofsnow @HistoryTime_ that's a great book (and he was a hell of an interesting human being).      источник
Paul GrahamJames Mattis
The Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze