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Dana Perino

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Dana Marie Perino is an American political commentator and author who served as the twenty-fourth White House Press Secretary, serving under President George W. Bush from September 14, 2007, to January 20, 2009.
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Haven Point book cover
Haven Point
A Novel
Virginia Hume - 2021-06-08
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Haven Point is a sweeping family saga that follows the lives of multiple generations who spend their summers in a seaside community on Maine's rocky coast. From a young nurse swept off her feet by a Boston Brahmin in 1944 to a fiercely independent granddaughter returning to scatter her mother's ashes in 2008, this novel explores the complexities of family, traditions, and secrets over 70 years in America's history. Fans of Elin Hilderbrand, Beatriz Williams, and Sarah Blake will love this stunning debut from Virginia Hume, which PopSugar has called "the book equivalent of a beach getaway."
Dana Perino
Haven Point is an excellent book. What a read. And a debut novel for @virginiahume ! Amazing. Highly recommend. I still think about those characters.      источник
Sophomores book cover
Sean Desmond - 2021-01-26
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Sophomores is a vibrant and intelligent novel that offers an intricate portrait of a family in crisis. The story takes place in the late 1980s and follows a family that is struggling to keep it together amidst changing times. The parents, facing their own personal demons, must also navigate their son's unforgettable sophomore year. With humor and tenderness, Sophomores explores the themes of coming of age, teenage epiphanies and heartbreak, and family redemption.
Dana Perino
Recommended reading from Dana! This novel comes out on Tuesday, Jan 28th - Sophomore by ⁦@skdesmond1973⁩ - and it is SO good. I highly recommend it. Beautifully written - a coming of age story - Dallas in the 1980s. Laugh, cry, think, be moved. 📚      источник
Голландский дом book cover
Голландский дом
A Novel
Ann Patchett - 2019-09-24
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Новый роман американской писательницы Энн Пэтчетт напоминает сказку братьев Гримм, разросшуюся до масштабов семейного эпоса. История главных героев, Дэнни Конроя и его сестры Мэйв, охватывает всю вторую половину ХХ века, а их судьбы оказываются роковым образом переплетены с Голландским домом — особняком на востоке Пенсильвании, когда-то принадлежавшим разорившейся династии нидерландских магнатов Ванхубейков. Сам по себе Голландский дом не населен призраками, но каждый, кто переступает его порог, в каком-то смысле становится призраком дома — куда бы он потом ни отправился, где бы впоследствии ни жил, повсюду носит с собой этот образ. У Дэнни и Мэйв только это и есть: безвременно ушедший из жизни отец, давным-давно превратившаяся в воспоминание мать, будто бы вышедшая из ночного кошмара мачеха и зловещий фамильный особняк. А также взрослая жизнь, которая все никак не начнется: проклятие детства, печать сиротства, невозможность разорвать однажды сформировавшиеся узы. «Голландский дом» — история о победе любви над злом. Победе, замешенной на потерях и во многом неочевидной, потому что в конечном счете читателю предстоит разобраться самому, на чьей он стороне и был ли здесь злодей. И если был — то кто?
Dana Perino
@KayLea81 @dailybriefing new book recommendations: The Dutch House. The Orphan of Salt Winds.      источник
The Orphan of Salt Winds book cover
The Orphan of Salt Winds
Elizabeth Brooks - 2019-01-15 (впервые опубликовано в 2018)
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Set in England during WWII, The Orphan of Salt Winds tells the story of Virginia, who arrives at the secluded Salt Winds house to be adopted by her new parents. Virginia struggles to understand her parents' secrets and tensions while coping with the beauty and danger of the marshy landscape. Years later, Virginia returns to the marsh to confront her past and make amends for a grave mistake. Elizabeth Brooks' debut is a gothic, psychological mystery filled with family secrets that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Dana Perino
@KayLea81 @dailybriefing new book recommendations: The Dutch House. The Orphan of Salt Winds.      источник
Accidental Presidents book cover
Accidental Presidents
Eight Men Who Changed America
Jared Cohen - 2019-04-09
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Discover the untold stories of eight men who became president of the United States without being elected to the position. From Tyler to Truman, Coolidge to LBJ, Accidental Presidents examines how the character of each leader impacted the nation and the world. Learn how they vastly changed American history - from delaying the Civil War to breaking up the trusts - and how their actions shaped the power and limits of the presidency. Immerse yourself in this gripping history lesson that adds immeasurably to our understanding of this most important position.
Dana Perino
Great! @JaredCohen wrote a great book      источник
Bridge of Clay book cover
Bridge of Clay
Markus Zusak - 2018-10-09
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A powerful family saga following the Dunbar brothers as they navigate their own rules in a world without their father. Clay builds a bridge to bring his family together and uncover the truth behind their father's disappearance. With stunning language and profound storytelling, this is a tear-jerking must-read.
Dana Perino
Finished this book today. My goodness. I loved it. Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak      источник
John Green
Mr. Churchill's Secretary book cover
Mr. Churchill's Secretary
A Maggie Hope Mystery
Susan Elia MacNeal - 2012-04-03
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Set in wartime London, this historical fiction novel follows Maggie Hope, a skilled typist who possesses remarkable codebreaking abilities. Despite her gender, she secures a position at No. 10 Downing Street, exposing her to the secretive world of British intelligence - and its dark side. As she unravels a mystery that points to her own family's hidden secrets, Maggie must balance her duty to her country with her own survival. With meticulous research and a riveting main character, this daring debut by Susan Elia MacNeal captures the drama of an unprecedented era and the greatness that rose to meet it. A must-read for fans of Jacqueline Winspear, Laurie R. King, and Anne Perry.
Dana Perino
The book series I recommended on @TheFive Mr. Churchill's Secretary: A Maggie Hope Mystery #Amazon      источник
Соловей book cover
A Novel
Kristin Hannah - 2015-02-03
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Франция, 1939. В уютной и сонной деревушке Карриво Вианна Мориак прощается с мужем, который уходит воевать с немцами. Она не верит, что нацисты вторгнутся во Францию. Но уже скоро они маршируют мимо ее дома, грохочут вереницы танков, небо едва видать от самолетов, сбрасывающих бомбы. Война пришла в тихую французскую глушь. Перед Вианной стоит выбор: либо пустить на постой немецкого офицера - либо лишиться всего. Возможно, и жизни. Изабель Мориак, мятежная и своенравная восемнадцатилетняя девчонка, полна решимости бороться с захватчиками. Безрассудная и рисковая, она готова на все, но отец вынуждает ее отправиться в деревню к старшей сестре.
Dana Perino
Recommended book, The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. story swept me up into the fight of the free French in WWII. Poignant. Relevant today.      источник
Preeti ShenoyMichael Eisen
Carl Goes Shopping book cover
Carl Goes Shopping
Alexandra Day - 1992-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1989)
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When Carl is told to mind the baby at a department store, the faithful Rottweiler and his little friend do some mischievous exploring....
Dana Perino
@Jdhickspi I loved that book. Good dog, Carl!      источник