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Daniel Miessler

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Daniel Miessler is a recognised cybersecurity expert and writer with 20 years in Information Security. His 20 years of experience in security ranges from the vibrant startup ecosystem in his birthplace of Silicon Valley, to working with many of the top 100 worldwide companies.
4 книг в списке
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The Cult of Smart book cover
The Cult of Smart
How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice
Fredrik deBoer - 2020-08-04
Рейтинг Goodreads
"The Cult of Smart" by Fredrik deBoer is a thought-provoking critique of our broken education system. DeBoer argues that our society has perpetuated an unjust class structure based on academic ability, and proposes top-to-bottom reform to create true equality of opportunity for all. This passionate manifesto challenges traditional ideas and demands a world that has a place for everyone, not just the academically talented.
Daniel Miessler
📚 Currently having my mind blown and changed on education, via @freddiesubstack and his book:      источник
The Room Where It Happened book cover
The Room Where It Happened
A White House Memoir
John Bolton - 2020-06-23
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This White House memoir is a comprehensive and substantial account of the Trump Administration, written by former National Security Advisor, John Bolton. Bolton spent many of his 453 days in the room where it happened, and the facts speak for themselves. With almost daily access to the President, Bolton documents exactly how Trump's Ukraine-like transgressions existed across the full range of his foreign policy. With wit and wry humor, Bolton reveals a President addicted to chaos, who embraced enemies and spurned friends, and was deeply suspicious of his own government. This book is a must-read for those looking for a precise and honest rendering of Trump's days in and around the Oval Office.
Daniel Miessler
I just read the Bolton book, and it makes me afraid for the country. Not that I wasn't before, but it sharpens the edge on that worry when you can see it laid out so plainly. Interestingly, it made me less afraid of Trump being influenced by Putin, but more worried overall.      источник
Practical Vim book cover
Practical Vim
Edit Text at the Speed of Thought
Drew Neil - 2012-09-01
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Become a faster and more efficient developer with the help of Practical Vim. This book offers 120 vim recipes, showing you how to quickly learn the editor's core functionality and tackle your trickiest editing and writing tasks. Vim is a serious tool for programmers, web developers, and sysadmins, and no other text editor comes close to its speed and efficiency. Learn how to edit text the "Vim way," automate complex tasks with macros, search inside multiple files, and navigate documents with only a few keystrokes. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate Vim user, Practical Vim will show you new ways to work more efficiently, all without having to touch the mouse.
Daniel Miessler
@Andrew___Morris @jkamdjou Oh yes, that’s my favorite Vim book. I also have the latest as well. I also like @jovica’s stuff on it. And lately I’ve been watching a lot of Vim presentations on YouTube. But yeah, Drew Neil is great. Plus his Vimcasts in his Scottish accent are excellent.      источник
Искусство войны book cover
Искусство войны
Sun Tzu - 2005-01-11 NaN
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Перед вами - древнейший из известных человечеству трактатов о военном искусстве и его философии, своеобразная Библия стратегии, написанная более двух тысяч лет назад китайским стратегом, воином и философом Сунь-Цзы. Он в краткой и сжатой форме излагает основные принципы ведения войны и подготовки к ней. "Искусство войны" - это сплав философии, искусства и науки ведения войны. Эта книга не только кладезь военной мудрости, но и практическое руководство по тактике и стратегии военных действий.
Daniel Miessler
@stokfredrik Dude you’ve got to read this book. I think you’ll LOVE it. Super short read too.      источник