20 книг в списке
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A funny and insightful coming-of-age novel about an art student struggling to find her place amongst wealthy peers. Joey takes an elective film course and decides to recreate Wes Anderson's Rushmore as a self-portrait, a task that hangs over her as she navigates an unfamiliar social class. Meanwhile, her sister has gone missing and Joey grapples with guilt over pursuing her dreams. This novel delves into the impact of social class on personal identity and the meaning of being an artist. Perfect for fans of The Idiot and Chemistry.
Darcie Wilder
2022-09-30T19:19:13.000ZA former Instagram celebrity turned cosmetic saleswoman seeks a new start with high-risk surgery that will reverse all her past procedures. But as she prepares for the surgery, her traumatic past resurfaces and she must confront the ugly truth about her experiences both on and off social media. Aesthetica is a dark and moving novel that examines themes of feminism, #metoo, and mother-daughter relationships, while exploring our collective addiction to followers, filters, and faux realities.
Darcie Wilder
2022-07-29T17:29:11.000ZThis book follows two insane teens on a Bonnie and Clyde-inspired adventure across America. Leaving behind their abusive pasts, they steal cars and pursue a warped American dream, where Elvis is still king and the corn dog is the "backbone of this great country." With humor, poetry, and unforgettable sentences, this book is a must-read for those seeking a wild road trip filled with self-destruction and self-discovery.
"A Touch of Jen" is a twisted and hilariously funny debut novel that follows a young couple's obsession with a former co-worker on Instagram. When they finally meet Jen in person and are invited on a surfing trip with her wealthy friends, their fantasies quickly turn into a nightmare. Part millennial social comedy and part psychedelic horror, this novel explores the hidden desires that lurk beneath our carefully curated online personas. Get ready for a wild ride this summer with "A Touch of Jen."
A high school student embarks on a journey of self-discovery and resilience, leaving his parents' home to live with friends with the aid of government welfare. Through unique, four-line paragraphs, the narrator shares intimate moments of his new life, becoming your best friend from page one. Join him as he navigates life with just $50, two packs of cigarettes, and a backpack of essentials. Steve Anwyll's powerful storytelling will leave you wanting more.
Кандейс Чен — типичная миллениалка из офисного здания на Манхэттене. Она одержима рутиной: работой, вечерними кинопросмотрами и попытками не думать о недавно умерших родителях — иммигрантах из Китая. За всем этим она практически не замечает охватившую мир эпидемию: пораженные болезнью люди, теряя рассудок и контроль над собой, продолжают безостановочно выполнять привычные им действия.
Кандейс присоединяется к небольшой группе выживших и отправляется вместе с ними к Комплексу, где, как обещает их предводитель Боб, есть все необходимое, чтобы построить мир заново. Но у Кандейс есть секрет, которым Боб попытается воспользоваться в своих целях.
Роман «Выходное пособие» — о рутине и упущенных возможностях современной жизни. Это одновременно и безжалостная сатира, и трогательная семейная история, и искренняя дань уважения тем связям, благодаря которым мы живем, а не выживаем.
Darcie Wilder
2020-07-28T04:45:14.000ZThis memoir offers a first-hand glimpse into the high-flying and reckless startup culture of Silicon Valley during a time of unchecked ambition, unregulated surveillance, wild fortune, and political power. The author, Anna Wiener, left a job in book publishing for the promise of the new digital economy in San Francisco. She landed at a big-data startup in the heart of the Silicon Valley bubble, where she witnessed a new Silicon Valley emerge; one that enriched itself at the expense of the idyllic future it claimed to be building. A coming-of-age-story and a portrait of a bygone era, Uncanny Valley is a rare and personal narrative that charts the tech industry's shift from world savior to democracy-endangering liability.

White Negroes
When Cornrows Were in Vogue ... and Other Thoughts on Cultural Appropriation
"White Negroes" by Lauren Michele Jackson is a thought-provoking exploration of cultural appropriation, and how it exacerbates racial inequality. The book discusses how the mainstream success of black aesthetics often leaves black pioneers behind, and how this is a blueprint for taking wealth and power. With a mix of narrative, scholarship, and critique, Jackson delves deep into the racial contradictions behind pop culture, political leaders, and more. This audacious debut brilliantly re-interrogates Norman Mailer's infamous 1957 essay of a similar name and introduces a bold new voice in Jackson. "White Negroes" is a must-read for those interested in thoughtful consumption and promoting equality.
The Mutations is a deeply neurotic comedy that dissects the experience of illness and maps the relationships strengthened and frayed in its wake. Following the story of Ramón Martinez, a militant atheist and successful lawyer who loses the source of his power and livelihood - speech - after being diagnosed with cancer of the tongue, this book is a profound and funny cross section of modern Mexico. Filled with rough-hewn poetry of regret, rage, and, finally, resignation, The Mutations pays homage to forebears such as Sontag, Didion, Flaubert, and Tolstoy.
Socialist Realism by Trisha Low
Patsy by Nicole Dennis-Benn
Говорят женщины by Miriam Toews
Washington Black by Esi Edugyan
A Terrible Country by Keith Gessen
Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber
Animals Eat Each Other by Elle Nash
Carceral Capitalism/ Intervention Series by Jackie Wang
The Answers by Catherine Lacey
10 by Ben Lerner
Women Food and God by Geneen Roth