Deborah Harkness
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Deborah Harkness is an American scholar, novelist and wine enthusiast, best known as a historian and as the author of the All Souls Trilogy, which consists of The New York Times best-selling novel A Discovery of Witches and its sequels Shadow of Night and The Book of Life.
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This inspiring memoir delves into what helps us survive during tough times. After experiencing heartbreak and cancer, the author reflects on what makes us bloom in darkness. She explores the natural phenomenon of phosphorescence, which allows creatures to give off light in the darkness, and how it can apply to our lives. Through candid personal experiences and interviews with experts, the author offers insights on embracing awe, nature, spirituality, and other habits to light up our lives, even in the darkest times.
Deborah Harkness
Lark in the Morning
The Verses of the Troubadours, a Bilingual Edition (English and French Edition)
Explore the captivating world of troubadours and their songs of romantic love with Lark in the Morning. This comprehensive anthology brings together verse translations from renowned poets Ezra Pound and W.D. Snodgrass, as well as the original verse forms, honoring the meter, punning, and sound effects of the originals. With an introduction to the major periods of the troubadours' rise and decline and brief contextual information for each poet, Lark in the Morning is an essential collection for lovers of Western vernacular poetry.
New York Times bestselling author Ella Frances Sanders presents the book we all must have to remind ourselves of the things we miss from our pre-2020 lives and the things we will enjoy again, such as standing next to people in a coffee shop, at the movie theater, or in the bookstore.......
Deborah Harkness
2022-04-13T14:35:06.000Z"Conjure Women" unveils the lives of three remarkable women - a wise healing woman, her observant daughter, and their master's daughter - and their community in the South before and after the Civil War. This powerful and well-researched debut novel masterfully balances the themes of freedom, fear, superstition, and love. Experience their secrets, passions, and friendships, and discover the lengths they will go to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Deborah Harkness