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Read This Twice

Deepak Shenoy

Рекомендованные Книги

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What Goes Up book cover
What Goes Up
The Uncensored History of Modern Wall Street as Told by the Bankers, Brokers, CEOs, and Scoundrels Who Made It Happen
Eric J. Weiner - 2005-09-21
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the captivating, uncensored story of Wall Street from the men and women who made it happen in "What Goes Up." From the footpath near Manhattan Island to the center of the financial world, Eric J. Weiner weaves together insider accounts and larger-than-life characters, bringing to life the booms and busts of America's financial capital over the past half-century. With interviews from CEOs to the barber in the basement of the stock exchange, this is the unvarnished truth of how modern Wall Street truly works.
Deepak Shenoy
Books that I've loved to read: Markets and everything. This is a thread I hope to keep adding to. First up: What Goes Up, by Eric Weiner. This is a great book on the history of Wall Street from the 1920s to the early 2000s, from the people who built it.      источник
Not a Penny More Not a Penny Less book cover
Not a Penny More Not a Penny Less
Jeffrey Archer - 2004-05-16 (впервые опубликовано в 1976)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Four strangers, including an Oxford don, a society physician, a French art dealer, and an English lord, have lost their life's fortune to Harvey Metcalfe, a dangerous con artist. Now, with nothing left to lose, they come together to find, shadow, and trap Metcalfe, each expert in their own field. From Monte Carlo to Wall Street, their ingenious game of revenge has begun.
Deepak Shenoy
@arabicatrader there's a book called Not a penny more, not a penny less, by Jeffrey Archer - very good book On webinars I think it's very useful even if sometimes only to check if your internet connection speed is good      источник
Денег больше, чем у бога book cover
Денег больше, чем у бога
Хедж-фонды и рождение новой элиты
Sebastian Mallaby - 2010-06-10
Рейтинг Goodreads
Титаны хедж-фондов стали новыми Рокфеллерами, новыми карнеги, новыми вандербилтами - новой элитой. Карнавал креативности и жадности. История хедж-фондов - история инноваций, ошеломляющих триумфов, унизительных падений и бесчисленных споров. Хедж-фонды прорвались через мясорубку последнего финансового кризиса без поддержки налогоплательщиков. И несомненно, будущее финансов за хедж-фондами - эдакими финансовыми "бутиками", альтернативой банковским "супермаркетам".
Deepak Shenoy
@gauravsabnis @abhijitkadle @mohitsatyanand @tanayingale I fourth that recommendation. That is a brilliant book.      источник
Tim FerrissPaul GrahamArianna Simpson