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Dick Costolo

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Richard William Costolo was the CEO of Twitter from 2010 to 2015; he also served as the COO before becoming CEO. He took over as CEO from Evan Williams in October 2010.
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Straw Dogs book cover
Straw Dogs
John Gray - 2004-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 2002)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Challenging traditional beliefs about humanity, this exciting and radical work of philosophy, Straw Dogs, explores the Western tradition's flawed assumptions about human nature. From liberalism to Marxism, John Gray dismantles these beliefs, arguing that the view of humankind as superior and separate from nature is dangerous. An exhilarating read that invites readers to question their deepest beliefs, Straw Dogs has been hailed as "brilliant" and "thought-provoking."
Dick Costolo
@mikeindustries Read this excellent opposing view (of pinker generally and his previous book specifically) by John Gray (english philosopher, author of the fantastic "straw dogs, thoughts on humans and other animals")      источник
Радикальная прямота book cover
Радикальная прямота
Как управлять, не теряя человечности
Kim Scott - 2017-03-14
Рейтинг Goodreads
Ким Скотт - бывший топ-менеджер Google, Apple, YouTube, бизнес-консультант Dropbox, Twitter. Впоследствии она анализировала компании, на стадии взлета или падения, и сформулировала полученный опыт в нескольких простых правилах для руководителя, которые помогут сотрудникам любить свою работу и хорошо ее выполнять.
Dick Costolo
Kim Scott's excellent "Radical Candor" book is out (Kim built the "Managing at Apple" course at Apple University)      источник
Ankur WarikooKelly Vaughn