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Read This Twice

Doug McMillon

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Carl Douglas McMillon is an American businessman, and the president and chief executive officer of Walmart Inc. He sits on the retailer's board of directors.
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Team of Teams book cover
Team of Teams
New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
Gen. Stanley McChrystal - 2015-05-12
Рейтинг Goodreads
In "Team of Teams", retired four-star general Stanley McChrystal shares a powerful new leadership model based on his experience as commander of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the War on Terror. He explains how the conventional, top-down hierarchy of the US military was overwhelmed by today's faster, more interdependent world, and how JSOC remade itself into a network that combined centralized communication with decentralized authority. This book shows how similar shifts are possible in all organizations, from large companies to startups to governments, and how the best organizations think and act like a team of teams. Using evidence from his military career, the private sector, and sources such as hospital emergency rooms and NASA's space program, McChrystal presents a compelling, effective solution.
Doug McMillon
Has been huge. I’m still giving Team of Teams out.      источник
Gene KimM. Sanjayan
The Everything Store book cover
The Everything Store
Джефф Безос и эра Amazon
Brad Stone - 2013-10-15
Рейтинг Goodreads
Эта книга — история успеха и расследование одновременно. Рассказ о том, как, пережив крах пузыря доткомов, Amazon сумел обойти конкурентов и начать свою беспрецедентную экспансию по странам и отраслям. Расследование того, как устроена одна из самых необычных на сегодняшний день компаний планеты, которой принадлежат не только самый известный интернет-магазин, но и фирмы робототехники, облачных технологий, космические проекты и СМИ. Джефф Безос — выдающийся бизнесмен, блестящий аналитический ум и жесткий организатор. Перед вами первая и весьма подробная биография этого неутомимого лидера и генератора идей, не признающего в бизнесе границ, традиций
Doug McMillon
I read and give this book because you need to understand what you’re up against.      источник
The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge book cover
The One Year Uncommon Life Daily Challenge
Tony Dungy
Рейтинг Goodreads
365 reflections from a Super Bowl-winning former head coach to live an "uncommon life". Strengthen your faith and core values on a year-long journey with a #1 New York Times bestselling author. Dare to be uncommon every day by honoring your loved ones, living with integrity, and making a real impact while walking with the Lord.
Doug McMillon
I start my day with a daily devotional from this book, and it doesn’t take a lot of time, but I do it every day.      источник