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Eric Musselman

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Eric Patrick Musselman is an American college basketball coach who is the current head men's basketball coach at the University of Arkansas.
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The Energy Bus book cover
The Energy Bus
10 правил, которые преобразят вашу жизнь, карьеру и отношения с людьми
Jon Gordon - 2007-01-22
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Жизнь Джорджа катится под откос: отношения в семье разладились, на работе грозит увольнение, мать тяжело больна… Когда из-за поломки автомобиля приходится ехать в офис на автобусе, Джордж чувствует себя законченным неудачником. Первая поездка вызывает у него раздражение: чрезвычайно болтливый водитель автобуса № 11 заводит с ним неуместный разговор по душам, а пассажиры не только подслушивают, но и вмешиваются с непрошенными советами. На второй день Джордж озадачен еще больше: те же люди, которые как будто специально катаются на этом автобусе, чтобы узнать, что у него нового. Кто все эти люди? Почему у водителя есть ответы на все вопросы Джорджа? И что произойдет, если он попробует жить по Правилам, которые узнает во время этих очень странных поездок на автобусе № 11?
Eric Musselman
@WooDamnPiggie @razorbacktrough Yes love the @JonGordon11 books. Energy Bus is awesome we apply many lessons to our team from that book      источник
The Winner Within book cover
The Winner Within
A Life Plan for Team Players
Pat Riley - 1994-10-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1958)
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Learn the strategies and game plan for success from one of the greatest NBA coaches of all time. The Winner Within is not just for athletes, but for anyone looking to improve themselves in all areas of life. Discover Pat Riley's winning strategies that inspire change, motivate teamwork, and reveal the winner within us all. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the coach of the decade.
Eric Musselman
@Coachman_P One of the best books ever -The Winner Within: A Life Plan for Team Players      источник
Legacy book cover
James Kerr - 2013-11-07
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Discover the secrets of the world's most successful sports team - The All Blacks. Undefeated in over 75% of their international matches for over 100 years, what can we learn from them? Best-selling author James Kerr shares 15 powerful lessons in leadership, revealing the proven secrets of sustained success. Explore how to turn vision into action, achieve world-class standards, handle pressure and setbacks, train to win at the highest level, and define your purpose and legacy. A unique and inspiring handbook for leaders in all fields.
Eric Musselman
From the book LEGACY They don’t call it “practice”... they call it “Train to Win” session. Great language and mentality for coaches and players.      источник
Gridiron Genius book cover
Gridiron Genius
A Master Class in Building Teams and Winning at the Highest Level
Michael Lombardi - 2018-09-11
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the blueprint to building a winning NFL organization in Gridiron Genius. With insights from coaching legends Bill Walsh, Al Davis, and Bill Belichick, former NFL general manager Michael Lombardi shares the secrets that define football dynasties. Learn how successful leaders evaluate and utilize personnel, script every aspect of the game, and create a winning organizational culture. Delight in an inside look at an NFL weekend, including what goes on behind the scenes and inside the headset. Gain the knowledge to be the smartest person in the room every Sunday with Gridiron Genius.
Eric Musselman
Reading an awesome book Gridiron Genius written by @mlombardiNFL ! A must read for all coaches and leaders!      источник