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Frank Blake

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Francis Stanton Blake is an American businessman and lawyer, who was the chairman and CEO of The Home Depot from January 2007 to May 2014. Prior to this he worked for the U.S. Department of Energy and General Electric. He was a longtime protégé of Robert Nardelli.
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300 Arguments book cover
300 Arguments
Sarah Manguso - 2017-02-07
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A stunning collection of aphorisms from acclaimed essayist Sarah Manguso, covering topics such as grief, bad art, happiness, and gratitude. Manguso's compression of words offers remarkable insight into our psychological and spiritual state. Despite appearing as unrelated, the grouping of pieces forms a powerful and masterful arrangement that challenges traditional wisdom literature.
Frank Blake
Bounces around with different observations, some of which you go, god, that’s brilliant and some of it, eh.      источник
Celeste Ng
Cultural Amnesia book cover
Cultural Amnesia
Necessary Memories from History and the Arts
Clive James - 2007-03-17
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Explore the core of Western humanism with this encyclopedic A-Z masterpiece, Cultural Amnesia. Discover the greatest thinkers, humanists, musicians, artists, and philosophers of the twentieth century through Clive James' insightful writing. With Montaigne-like prose, James rescues and occasionally destroys their careers, leaving the reader with a fresh perspective on our modern world. This international bestseller is a must-read for those seeking to better understand Western civilization.
Frank Blake
Such a great observer of different writers, and it makes you want to read all of the source material that he’s writing about.      источник
От хорошего к великому book cover
От хорошего к великому
Why Some Companies Make The Leap and Others Don't
Jim Collins - 2001-10-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
В книге анализируется опыт компаний, осуществивших переход от хороших показателей к выдающимся, таких как: Abbott, Circuit City, Fannie Mae, Gillette, Kimberly-Clark, Kroger, Nucor, Philip Morris, Pitney Bowes, Walgreens, Wells Fargo. Эти компании сохраняли высокие результаты в течение 15 лет. Так, к 2000 г. инвестиции в $1, сделанные в 1965 г. в эти компании, увеличились бы в 471 раз, а инвестиции в акции всех компаний на рынке увеличились бы лишь в 56 раз. Исследовательская команда во главе с Джимом Коллинзом рассматривает факторы и условия, необходимые для перехода «от хорошего к великому», и его механизмы. Авторы убеждены, что последовательное претворение в жизнь идей и концепций, изложенных в книге, поможет практически любой организации кардинальным образом улучшить свою деятельность и добиться по-настоящему выдающихся результатов.
Frank Blake
As a business person, I love Good to Great.      источник
Built from Scratch book cover
Built from Scratch
How a Couple of Regular Guys Grew The Home Depot from Nothing to $30 Billion
Bernie Marcus - 1999-04-27
Рейтинг Goodreads
Learn how two determined individuals and their associates built a business from nothing to 761 stores and $30 billion in sales in just 20 years. "Built from Scratch" tells the colorful stories and important lessons behind the founding and meteoric rise of The Home Depot, including the importance of customer service, giving back to the community, and sticking to your values as a company. This firsthand account offers a great read for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, marketing, or business strategy.
Frank Blake
Very meaningful to me, not only because it’s the story of the founding of the Home Depot, but also because of my start as the CEO of Home Depot.      источник