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Gloria De Piero

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Gloria De Piero is a former British Labour Party politician and journalist. She was first elected as the Member of Parliament for Ashfield in 2010. She held positions in the shadow cabinet under the leadership of both Ed Miliband and Jeremy Corbyn.
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What Does Rain Smell Like? book cover
What Does Rain Smell Like?
Simon King - 2019-10-17
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the exciting science behind weather with two expert meteorologists as they answer our most pressing questions about the elements. From the formation of rainbows to the possibility of harnessing the power of lightning, learn about the captivating ways weather works, its historical significance, and its potential to impact our planet’s future. Join Simon King and Clare Nasir in What Does Rain Smell Like? as they break down our knowledge of the elements and explore incredible weather phenomena that affect our daily lives.
Gloria De Piero
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