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Read This Twice

Harjinder Kukreja

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Harjinder Kukreja is a restaurateur and social activist who is known for his bakeries Belfrance and Hot Breads in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. He is also a family traveller and was the recipient of the award Sikh Youth of the Year 2017.
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The burnt out rat book cover
The burnt out rat
When a Money-Slave Met a Financial Master
Amit Maheshwari - 2019-08-27
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover a parable about financial freedom with The Burnt Out Rat. Follow high-flying executive Arjun Thakral as he realizes he's stuck in a rut of monetary worries. With the help of his two friends, an entrepreneur and a doctor, the trio breaks away from conventional ideas about profession, identity, and money. Each discovers their path to bliss and freedom and devises their plan of achieving financial liberation. Let this book take you through the challenges and guide your way to your destination.
Harjinder Kukreja
@parrysingh A very relevant and useful book! Great read for 2020!      источник