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Read This Twice

Helene Meisler

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River Town book cover
River Town
Two Years on the Yangtze (P.S.)
Peter Hessler - 2006-04-25 (впервые опубликовано в 2001)
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This book is an insightful account of the city of Fuling, located in China's Sichuan province. The city is undergoing immense change and growth, causing its people to adapt to the uncertain future. Follow author Peter Hessler's journey as a Peace Corps volunteer and his experiences teaching English to local students, where he gains a unique understanding of Fuling's complexities. Hessler also delves into China's troubled history, including the decades of misguided economic policies and the infamous Cultural Revolution. A poignant, funny, and compelling read that offers an unforgettable portrait of Fuling's past and present.
Helene Meisler
Every time I see stories or pictures of how low the Yangtze River is I think of this terrific book by Peter Hessler.      источник
When To Sell book cover
When To Sell
Inside Strategies for Stock Market Profits
Justin Mamis - 1999-12-08 (впервые опубликовано в 1977)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Learn the art of selling with "When To Sell". This classic book by Justin Mamis provides a meaningful analysis on the subject with practical rules to follow, helping you to be self-reliant. Discover how to choose good charts and explore numerous case histories. Updated with a new foreword by the author in 1994, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to master the art of selling.
Helene Meisler
@TheRealEJones You should read the book. Justin did a great job on it. But I prefer his book When to Sell If you are looking for his best (IMHO)      источник
Secondhand book cover
Travels in the New Global Garage Sale
Adam Minter - 2019-11-12
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the surprising journey of your donated items from local donation centers to thrifts stores in the American Southwest, vintage shops in Tokyo, flea markets in Southeast Asia, and more in this eye-opening book. Journalist Adam Minter offers a thought-provoking exploration of the multibillion-dollar industry of reuse, exposing the reasons why discarded items end up in landfills instead of new homes. Secondhand challenges our obsession with shiny and new, offering hope and hard truths for a sustainable future.
Helene Meisler
I have a book recommendation. Secondhand by @AdamMinter is a terrific read. Global economics, demographics and a way to understand where all the crap we buy goes.      источник
Rafat Ali