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Janet Mbugua

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Janet Mbugua – Ndichu is a Kenyan media personality, anchor and actress. As a news anchor she is known to have served in KTN in her earlier year of her career.
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Period Power book cover
Period Power
A Manifesto for the Menstrual Movement
Nadya Okamoto - 2018-10-16
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the taboo topic of menstruation with Period Power, a manifesto by Nadya Okamoto. As the founder of PERIOD and a Harvard College student, Okamoto sheds light on the stigmas surrounding periods and how they have excluded people who menstruate from decision-making tables. Learn about the tampon tax and medical biases that favor male biology, and discover how to engage in youth activism to end the silence and prompt conversation about menstruation.
Janet Mbugua
Nadya is amazing! She’s in her early twenties now (21) and I have her book, Period Power. You should read it!      источник