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John Andrews

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Agile Analytics For Startups book cover
Agile Analytics For Startups
The Step-by-Step Guide for Building an Agile Startup with Data Analytics
Mert Damlapinar - 2022-10-03
John Andrews
Great book @MertDP!! Already putting it to use with Ohsnap and Grondyke! #retailrelevancy #scaleups #dtcbrands      источник
Army of None book cover
Army of None
Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War
Paul Scharre - 2019-03-12 (впервые опубликовано в 2018)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the future of warfare with this gripping exploration of autonomous weapons. Delve into the legal and ethical implications of weapons that make life and death decisions on their own, from drones to robot ships. Paul Scharre draws on his experience in the military to make a compelling case for the importance of human decision-making in the age of advanced technology. Get ready for a thought-provoking read that blends history, science, and global policy into a smart primer on the future of warfare.
John Andrews
@480Babyy @realbrandonward @TheVickVinegar @globeandmail @jgriffiths There’s a great book called Army of None you might like. I think the current war is causing military folks to reevaluate strategy as they watch tactics unfold on the battlefield. Tanks are done for example, cheap drones can easily defeat them.      источник
Bill Gates
Retail Apocalypse book cover
Retail Apocalypse
The Death of Malls, Retailers & Jobs
Stanley Philipose - 2019-05-12
Рейтинг Goodreads
Explore the dark truths of the retail industry in this eye-opening book that delves into the impact of technology, automation, and e-commerce on the retail world. With millions of jobs at risk and companies like Walmart and Amazon racing to automate tasks, traditional retail competitors are being driven out of business. This insightful read takes a comprehensive look at the history of the retail industry and its current state, shedding light on the excess, inequality, and cutthroat nature of the industry. Discover the economic and technological trends shaping retail's future and the impact on retail workers in this must-read book.
John Andrews
Just jumped into @sphilip00 new book Retail Apocalypse this morning and can already tell it is a must read for anyone in retail. #retailrelevancy #shoppermarketing      источник