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John W. Dean

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John Wesley Dean III is a former attorney who served as White House Counsel for United States President Richard Nixon from July 1970 until April 1973. Dean is known for his role in the cover-up of the Watergate scandal and his subsequent testimony to Congress as a witness.
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Rock Me on the Water book cover
Rock Me on the Water
1974-The Year Los Angeles Transformed Movies, Music, Television, and Politics
Ronald Brownstein - 2021-03-23
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"Rock Me on the Water" takes readers on a journey through Los Angeles in 1974, a year that marked the city's creative peak and dominated popular culture more than ever before. Through film, music, television, and politics, author Ronald Brownstein explores how the city's transformative talents reflected the changing demographics, social issues, and cultural realities of America. A story of a massive younger generation intent on change, "Rock Me on the Water" is a fascinating cultural history that shows how popular culture was ahead of politics in predicting what America would become.
John W. Dean
.@RonBrownstein has written a truly terrific book! I moved to LA in Jan. 1974 when this story opens but it is about so much more than a city. It is insider scoops of pop culture leading us out of Nixon, as it will lead us out of Trump. I should be working but can’t stop reading.      источник
Слишком много и всегда недостаточно book cover
Слишком много и всегда недостаточно
How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man
Mary L. Trump - 2020-07-14
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Летом 1960 года в офисе Trump Management появился наследник строительной империи Фреда Трампа. Вместе с отцом он участвовал во всех значимых проектах, ходил на заседания Демократической партии и посещал благотворительные приемы. Там он учился вести бизнес и заводить важные знакомства. Но это был не Дональд. Это был старший сын, Фредди, названный в честь отца. Дональда глава семейства не замечал и не делал на него ставок. Но прошло несколько лет, и память о первенце стерлась из истории фирмы, а его место занял тот, кого мы знаем сейчас как президента США. Дональд смог доказать отцу, что именно он достоин быть первым не только в семье, но и во всем мире. Что произошло в семье Трампов? Об этом рассказывает Мэри Трамп, племянница Дональда и дочь потерпевшего поражение Фредди.
John W. Dean
Well, Eric, understandable you and the family are upset. Within the first few pages she describes your conduct, revealing you are an asshole both privately as well as we all knew publicly! Cindy Adams is over-the-hill for even this octogenarian! Mary’s book is essential reading!      источник
I Will Find You book cover
I Will Find You
A Reporter Investigates the Life of the Man Who Raped Her
Joanna Connors - 2016-04-05
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An inspiring and powerful memoir about a woman's journey to uncover the story of the man who raped her and how it shaped her life. Through her investigation, she explores rape culture and violence in America, while also sharing a story of strength and survival.
John W. Dean
“I Will Find You” is one of the best books I read last year. But then Jo Connors is one of the best writers I read last year.      источник