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Josh Elledge

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Josh Elledge is a U.S. Navy veteran and launched UpMyInfluence.com to help entrepreneurs grow their authority and influence. UpMyInfluence also builds 7-figure B2B sales systems with zero paid ads. He also started SavingsAngel.com which has grossed more than $6 million in sales with zero paid ads.
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The Go-Giver book cover
The Go-Giver
A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea (Go-Giver, Book 1
Bob Burg - 2007-12-27
Рейтинг Goodreads
This engaging book tells the story of an ambitious young man named Joe who learns the power of giving through the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success. Seeking success in his career, Joe seeks out advice from the enigmatic Pindar and meets a group of “go-givers” who teach him the importance of putting others first and continually adding value to their lives. The Go-Giver is a heartwarming and inspiring tale that brings new relevance to the old proverb “Give and you shall receive.”
Josh Elledge
@felberjosh Another day, another shout out to my man @BobBurg for #TheGoGiver! Seriously... it’ll change your life! There’s not a day goes by I don’t recommend this book.      источник
Dave Ramsey