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Justin Amash

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Justin Amash is an American lawyer and politician who has served as the U.S. Representative for Michigan's 3rd congressional district since 2011.
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The Bastiat Collection book cover
The Bastiat Collection
Frédéric Bastiat - 2007-08-22
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover a collection of the greatest economics writing of all time with this book. Featuring the work of Claude Frédéric Bastiat, an economist and publicist known for his wit and brilliance in advocating for the free-market economy. With 1,000 pages of content, including witty essays and fables, this collection brings together the early generation of English translations of Bastiat's work. You'll learn about the effects of protectionism, government subsidy, and control, and understand why Bastiat is considered one of the most influential economists in history.
Justin Amash
As for the president’s policies on trade and tariffs, I have a couple book recommendations for him:      источник
Economics in One Lesson book cover
Economics in One Lesson
The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics
Henry Hazlitt - 1979-01-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1946)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Justin Amash
I previously recommended this book to Hillary and Bernie; now, I'm recommending it to the Republican candidates.      источник
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