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Laurell K. Hamilton

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Laurell Kaye Hamilton is an American fantasy and romance writer. She is best known as the author of two series of stories. Her New York Times-bestselling Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series centers on Anita Blake, a professional zombie raiser, vampire executioner and supernatural consultant for the police, which includes novels, short story collections, and comic books.
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A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking book cover
A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking
T. Kingfisher - 2020-07-21
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In "A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking," follow 14-year-old Mona as she navigates a world of wizardry and danger. Unlike her wizard counterparts, Mona’s magic only works on bread, but when she finds a dead body in her aunt’s bakery, she becomes the assassin’s next target. In a city without its wizards, Mona must defend herself and her community against an uncertain future.
Laurell K. Hamilton
@K1tt3n @MustardCourage @UrsulaV @seananmcguire @firefrorefiddle @gaileyfrey I got my blood volume research from paramedics and firefighter, among other places. Doubt that @UrsulaV know the exact same people, but I did just finish her book, A Wizards guide to Defensive Baking, and it was wonderful.      источник
Fer-de-Lance book cover
Rex Stout - 1992-02-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1934)
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A cunning killer is on the loose and the most dreaded snake known to man has made its way into the case. Follow detective Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin as they navigate a web of twists and turns that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Will they be able to solve the devilishly clever murders of an immigrant and a college president before it's too late? Find out in this gripping mystery.
Laurell K. Hamilton
@sethanikeem @GailSimone Nero Wolfe books by Rex Stout almost always make me hunt up a dictionary at least once. Expanding my vocabulary and reading a great mystery!      источник
Kitchen Table Magic book cover
Kitchen Table Magic
Pull Up a Chair, Light a Candle & Let's Talk Magic
Melissa Cynova - 2020-09-08
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Discover Your Inner Magic with a No-Nonsense Teacher at Your Side This beginner's guide to magic is like sitting down at the kitchen table with Melissa Cynova as she shows how to use simple prayers, spells, and rituals to make positive improvements in your life. Melissa's straightforward and witty style makes it easy to start working magic for love...
Laurell K. Hamilton
I love this book! I got to meet the author and she’s great in person, too.      источник
Миссис Фрисби и крысы НИПЗ book cover
Миссис Фрисби и крысы НИПЗ
Robert C. O'Brien - 2003-05-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1971)
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Это удивительная сказка о взаимовыручке и о волшебных животных, которые борются за выживание в таком жестоком и почти не волшебном мире. Закончилась зима, но она принесла много бед семейству Фрисби. Миссис Фрисби - мышь-вдова оказалась в безвыходной ситуации, младший сынок заболел и пока идет лечение, его нельзя перевозить с места на место, но грядет пахота поля и необходимо переехать в летний дом. К счастью, она встречает крыс из НИПЗа, удивительно умных созданий, которые предлагают блестящее решение ее проблемы.
Laurell K. Hamilton
Sorry that’s not his name 😃 But Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH is a great book.      источник
Susan J. FowlerHayes Brown
Mozart's Starling book cover
Mozart's Starling
Lyanda Lynn Haupt - 2017-05-16
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A seasoned birder and naturalist, Lyanda Lynn Haupt explores the unlikely and remarkable bond between one of history's most cherished composers and a common bird in the book titled "Mozart's Starling." Through the intertwined stories of Mozart's beloved pet and Haupt's own starling, readers are taken on a journey through the secret world of starlings and human-animal friendships. This blend of natural history, biography, and memoir awakens a surprising new awareness of our place in the world.
Laurell K. Hamilton
Have you read the book, MOZART’s STARLING by Lyanda Lynn Haupt? It gave me a new appreciation of them and insights into creativity.      источник
Rats book cover
Observations on the History & Habitat of the City's Most Unwanted Inhabitants
Robert Sullivan - 2005-04-11 (впервые опубликовано в 2004)
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"Rats: A Remarkable and Unexpectedly Elegant Dive into the World of the Unloved" is an engaging and enlightening book that redefines our perception of the dirty and disgusting creature. Robert Sullivan's critically acclaimed bestseller reveals the rat as a city dweller and survivor on the effluvia of our society, and its unexpected friends and foes including exterminators, sanitation workers, agitators, and activists. Through Sullivan's well-crafted narrative, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the largely unrecorded history of the city and its rats. Despite being sometimes disgusting, Rats is funny, wise, informative, and always compulsively readable, earning its place among great classics of nature writing.
Laurell K. Hamilton
Both books on rats are wonderful.      источник
Tales of a Rat-Hunting Man book cover
Tales of a Rat-Hunting Man
Brian Plummer - 1997-08-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1978)
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Discover the world of rat-catching in this fascinating book. Author Brian Plummer has dedicated his life to the sport, using dogs and ferrets to hunt down the unheralded game-animal of Great Britain. Plummer doesn't shy away from the controversy surrounding his passion, and instead eagerly shares his techniques, making the reading experience simultaneously informative and entertaining. You won't believe the charm and wit that Plummer brings to the topic of killing rats!
Laurell K. Hamilton
Both books on rats are wonderful.      источник