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Laurie Voss

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Laurie Voss, co-founder of NPM, a startup that provides crucial tools to 11 million developers, has resigned from the company, he announced Thursday. Voss started as the founding CTO of the company, and then became COO.
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The Day the World Ended book cover
The Day the World Ended
Gordon Thomas - 2014-07-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1969)
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Experience the unbelievable tale of the world's most catastrophic natural disaster that claimed thousands of lives. The 1902 volcanic eruption that devoured St Pierre is an extraordinary feat detailed in this gripping account. Prepare to witness a city consumed by fire and thrust into terrorizing darkness.
Laurie Voss
The Day The World Ended is excellent, the first book of history I ever read. It happened to be lying around the house when I was 10 years old, and I picked it up and was enthralled. I wonder if I'd picked up a less well-written book I'd feel differently about history.      источник
Всем стоять на Занзибаре book cover
Всем стоять на Занзибаре
The Hugo Award-Winning Novel
John Brunner - 1999-08-12 (впервые опубликовано в 1968)
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Слишком много людей на Земле XXI века. Слишком много компьютеров, наркотиков, психоделических культур, продажных политиков, фанатичных ученых... Слишком много боли, беды, преступлений... Надвигается КАТАСТРОФА. А может, она УЖЕ ПРИШЛА?..
Laurie Voss
@johnlindquist Stand on Zanzibar but only because I think everybody should read that book.      источник
The Penguin History of the World book cover
The Penguin History of the World
Sixth Edition
J. M. Roberts - 2004-07-27 (впервые опубликовано в 1976)
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Discover the entire story of human endeavor in one authoritative book, The Penguin History of the World. This sixth edition has been completely overhauled and revised in the light of new research, including a revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. Explore the grandeur and folly, drama and pain of human history from beginning to end with updated information on the rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West.
Laurie Voss
@susanthesquark I have just the book! I had *exactly* the same problem. I read this book: It's literally the whole history of every part of the world, and it gave me enough overview to find bits I wanted to dive into more.      источник
Я, робот book cover
Я, робот
Isaac Asimov - 2004-06-01 (впервые опубликовано в 1950)
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"Nikto ne rasskazhet o robotakh luchshe i uvlekatel'nee, chem Aizek Azimov, pisatel'-fantast mirovogo urovnia, laureat samykh prestizhnykh zhanrovykh premii, vkliuchaia zvanie Grandmastera! ""Ia, robot"" - eto sobrannye pod odnim perepletom znamenitye rasskazy, kotorye mozhno smelo nazvat' klassikoi vysshei proby. Ikh chitali i perechityvali nashi ottsy, chitaem my, budut perechityvat' nashi deti, potomu chto klassika zhivet vechno.... .. "
Laurie Voss
@ThePenguinLemma @MusingsOfDeimos The I, Robot book (actually a short story collection) is amazing if you've not read it. Enough ideas to make a dozen movies.      источник
Sahil LavingiaSriram Krishnan
Small Gods book cover
Small Gods
Terry Pratchett - 2005-09-06 (впервые опубликовано в 1992)
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This Discworld novel delves into the complicated world of religion, where everyone has their own opinion and their own gods. However, what happens when a god appears in the form of a lowly tortoise? Enter the need for an acolyte, and fast. Join this humorous and engaging read as the search for an acolyte takes unexpected turns.
Laurie Voss
@danjnj The very first Discworld book is kind of a "pilot" that isn't really the same as the rest of the books. Try Small Gods, a stand-alone Discworld book that is among his very best and doesn't require any knowledge of previous books.      источник