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Of Boys and Men
Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do about It
A thought-provoking book on the crisis of masculinity in today's world. With profound socio-economic changes pushing many guys back in life, the author offers innovative and practical solutions to bridge the gap. A must-read for anyone interested in gender equality and helping boys and men become their best selves.
Lawrence H. Summers
2022-09-23T03:11:52.000Z"Slouching Towards Utopia" by J. Bradford DeLong is the instant bestseller that explores the history of how the rapid technological advancements transformed the economy and world but did not deliver us to utopia. Economist Brad DeLong tells the story of this unprecedented explosion and why it failed to lead us towards a better world. An ambitious and broad narrative, this book offers an insightful perspective on the last century and its progress.
Lawrence H. Summers
2022-09-08T13:46:35.000ZUs vs. Them is an eye-opening book that warns of the next wave of global populism, one that hits emerging nations before they have fully emerged. The author, Ian Bremmer, explores the rising global frustration with governments that aren't capable of providing security and prosperity. As in Europe and America, citizens want protection and are becoming increasingly frustrated with their ruling parties. The book warns about the dangers of building walls, both digital and physical, to protect insiders from outsiders, and the state from its people. This book is a dire warning about what lies ahead and offers insight into what we can do about it.
Lawrence H. Summers