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Read This Twice

Liz Wheeler

Рекомендованные Книги

4 книг в списке
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Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist book cover
Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper
Brant Pitre - 2011-02-15
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Explore the Jewish roots of Christianity and gain new insights into the Last Supper with Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. Dr. Brant Pitre uncovers the significance of key Jewish elements such as the Passover, the Manna, and the Bread of the Presence, shedding light on the true meaning of Jesus' words. Discover the powerful connection between the Last Supper, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday in this illuminating and inspiring work.
Liz Wheeler
One of the best books I’ve ever read. The kind of book that makes me wanna shout from the rooftops. If I had three wishes, one would be for everyone to read this book.      источник
Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns book cover
Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns
Part 4
Alex Berenson - 2021-03-22
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Explore the risks and benefits of Covid-19 vaccines in this thought-provoking read by former New York Times reporter, Alex Berenson. Drawing on verifiable sources, he offers a more nuanced perspective on the widely recommended vaccine, highlighting the potential risks and providing truthful and accurate information that you won't find anywhere else. Discover a new perspective on this controversial topic and make an informed decision about your health. Note that this book contains only the fourth section of Unreported Truths.
Liz Wheeler
HIGHLY recommend reading @alexberenson’s latest about COVID-19 vaccines. He’s not anti-vaxx. But it’s truly shocking to see the dishonestly from Big Pharma... and the real world data that shows, are the vaccines as effective as claimed?      источник
When Harry Became Sally book cover
When Harry Became Sally
Responding to the Transgender Moment
Ryan T. Anderson - 2018-02-20
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An in-depth analysis of the transgender movement and its impact on society, Ryan T. Anderson's book asks important questions about gender identity and offers a thoughtful approach to policy issues. Using insights from biology, psychology, and philosophy, he explores the human costs of getting human nature wrong, and highlights the contradictions at the heart of the movement. With a focus on the impact of current laws and policies, Anderson offers a path forward for those seeking to push back against coercion and advocate for compassion and grace.
Liz Wheeler
Best book I've read this month! Simply outstanding work by @RyanTAnd. Highly recommend.      источник
Courting Disaster book cover
Courting Disaster
How the CIA Kept America Safe and How Barack Obama Is Inviting the Next Attack
Marc A. Thiessen - 2010-01-18 (впервые опубликовано в 2009)
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White House speechwriter Marc Thiessen was locked in a secure room and given access to the most sensitive intelligence when he was tasked to write President George W. Bush’s 2006 speech explaining the CIA’s interrogation program and why Congress should authorize it. Few know more about these CIA operations than Thiessen, and in his new book, Courti...
Liz Wheeler
Top 5 best books I've read all year! (Actually 11 books... I couldn't narrow it down 🤣) #1 Courting Disaster, @marcthiessen #2 Hillbilly Elegy, @JDVance1 #3 Hail, Holy Queen, Scott Hahn #4 Communist Manifesto #5 A Debt Against the Living, @ilanwurman      источник