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Maggie Haberman

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Maggie Lindsy Haberman is an American journalist. She is a White House correspondent for The New York Times and a political analyst for CNN. She previously worked as a political reporter for The New York Post, the New York Daily News, and Politico.
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This Will Not Pass book cover
This Will Not Pass
Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America's Future
Jonathan Martin, Alexander Burns - 2022-05-03
Рейтинг Goodreads
A gripping account by two New York Times reporters on the 2020 election and the first year of the Biden presidency, revealing the deep divides within both parties and the struggles to hold together a changing country. With shocking, never-before-seen details and interviews, the book explores the national crises of the pandemic, the attack on the Capitol, and Biden's political challenges. Will American democracy, as we know it, ever work again?
Maggie Haberman
There have been some incredibly worthwhile books this year about this period in the life of the United States. First was “This Will Not Pass” by @jmartNYT and @alexanderburns      источник
Ron Fournier
First Casualty book cover
First Casualty
The Untold Story of the CIA Mission to Avenge 9/11
Toby Harnden - 2021-09-01
Рейтинг Goodreads
Discover the incredible true story of the first Americans to be dropped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan after 9/11. Meet the CIA's Team Alpha, an eclectic band of linguists, tribal experts, and elite warriors, tasked with tracking down Al-Qaeda and preventing future attacks on America. Follow them on their covert mission as they ride into battle on horseback alongside Afghan warlords. First Casualty is a gripping and intimate account of the CIA's early victory and the lessons that were tragically ignored, fueling a decades-long conflict.
Maggie Haberman
This book by ⁦@tobyharnden⁩ is extremely good and readable      источник
John Sipher
Песнь Соломона book cover
Песнь Соломона
Toni Morrison - 2004-06-08 (впервые опубликовано в 1977)
Рейтинг Goodreads
Роман принадлежит к числу наиболее интересных произведений американской прозы 1970-х гг. Центральный конфликт, воплощенный в судьбе главного героя Мейкона Помера, отражает стремление автора понять исторические судьбы негритянской Америки. Мейкон - герой-искатель, которому важно обрести себя как личность, понять и выразить заложенные в нем духовные стремления.
Maggie Haberman
@joseiswriting @NickRiccardi It’s a remarkable book and the final line is among my favorites of any I’ve read.      источник