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Matt Brown

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Matthew Burton Brown is an American mixed martial artist currently competing in the Welterweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. A professional competitor since 2004, Brown was a contestant on the seventh season of The Ultimate Fighter television series.
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Power vs. Force book cover
Power vs. Force
David R. Hawkins - 2002-03-05 (впервые опубликовано в 1985)
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Unlock the power of the universe with "Power vs. Force." Discover how we are actually governed by power from unrevealed sources as we make our everyday decisions. This book offers insight into the essence of life itself and how our choices affect the lives of all. With powerful endorsements from Mother Teresa and Lee Iacocca, this is a timely and significant read for anyone looking to understand and deal with today's problems.
Matt Brown
Read this book a while back and loved it!      источник