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Read This Twice

Maura Quint

Рекомендованные Книги

Maura Quint is a writer whose work has appeared in publications including the New Yorker, The Onion, and Paste
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WereCage book cover
Ian Fortey - 2022-06-26
Рейтинг Goodreads
Get ready for a wild ride with WereCage, a book about a man named Stanley who gets bitten by none other than Nic Cage himself. As legend has it, those who survive the bite become a Nic Cage too. With the world on the brink of apocalypse, it's up to Stanley to stop the infection and save humanity. But when the moon rises, his transformation takes over and Nic Cage is in control. Can he track down the source of the infection before it's too late? Find out in this thrilling read.
Maura Quint
@IanFortey clearly the best book ever about Nic Cage biting a dude who then becomes Nic Cage under the full moon. FOR NOW.      источник
Grand book cover
A Memoir
Sara Schaefer - 2020-08-11
Рейтинг Goodreads
A heartfelt and witty memoir, Grand follows comedian and Emmy Award-winning writer Sara Schaefer on a trip through the Grand Canyon with her sister. Reflecting on her childhood and her family's scandalous past, Sara grapples with unresolved grief and her struggles with anxiety and depression. With candid honesty, she deconstructs what it means to be a good person and the stories we tell ourselves and share with the world.
Maura Quint
absolutely the best thing I did this weekend was read @saraschaefer1's warm, funny, fantastic memoir. Everything is terrible, and this book is such a wonderful escape, sooo recommend it      источник